Page 14 of Captivated

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Chapter 7

“Where is she?” Trigger demanded as he stepped into the home that Stone, Rock, and Blue shared.

Stone’s eyebrows rose high on his forehead, and Trigger held his hands up non-threateningly.

“Sorry, Prez, but you scared ten fucking years off my life with that call. You said that Harley needed me, then hung up. What’s going on?”

Instead of responding, Stone turned on his heels and led the way through the family room and down the hall to the guest bedroom.

Trigger braced himself for the worse. It wasn’t like Stone to be so tight-lipped. After a light rap against the door, Stone turned the knob and pushed it open, revealing a sight Trigger hadn’t expected.

Harley and Blue were on the bed together. Blue sat reclining against the headboard while Harley lay curled against her, fast asleep.

“Stone,” she whispered shouted. “I told you we are fine.”

Stone folded his arms across his chest as Blue barely got the words out without yawning. “What Blue means is that she’s tired but won’t leave Harley because she can’t without knowing her friend is okay. But what my woman is too stubborn to admit is that she is exhausted and needs some rest.”

Blue rolled her eyes but didn’t stop stroking Harley’s hair. “If you were a woman, you’d understand.”

Trigger looked back and forth between Stone, still trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.

“It’s that time of the month,” Blue stated as if understanding he was still confused.

Trigger frowned. “Why is she here and not at the clubhouse?”

“Because I borrowed her heating pad and forgot to return it. She made it over but was in too much pain to walk back,” Blue supplied.

“How long has she been out?” he asked.

“Since she passed out,” Stone answered.

A growl rumbled from deep within his chest. “Passed out? As in fainted? Why the fuck didn’t you call me before now?”

“Harley didn’t want us to,” Blue replied. “Which is why I don’t know why Stone went and did just that.”

Stone shrugged. “You and our baby always come first. Harley will forgive me. Now, let Trigger take over so you can take your nap. You can barely keep your eyes open.”

Blue’s eyes drooped closed briefly even as she shook her head. “I’m fine.”

Trigger stepped forward, his gaze still on Harley curled up peacefully against her friend. What he wouldn’t give to have her that relaxed around him.

“I’ll take care of her, Blue. I promise. You know I would shoot myself before I purposely hurt Harley.”

“Doesn’t mean that you won’t,” Blue grumbled as her hand stopped moving against Harley’s head. “She’d better be okay when I wake up from my nap.”

Trigger nodded as he placed his gun on the nightstand before slipping off his cut. As he sat down in the chair to pull off his boots, Blue began to ease out of the bed. Harley stirred, and Blue froze. Once she’d settled again, Stone helped Blue to her feet.

She moaned softly and placed a hand against the small of her back. It had only been a month since they’d officially announced Blue’s pregnancy, but she looked like it now. While the curve of her stomach was still slight, there was no doubt that she was carrying a baby.

A pang Trigger didn’t expect filled his chest as he imagined Harley carrying his child. Before he’d met Harley, he’d honestly expected to be a bachelor for life. Now, he wanted what Stone, Rock, and Blue had. He just needed to convince Harley that she did, too.

Stone stared at Blue, his expression full of concern. “Come on. Let’s get you comfortable.” Stone looked over at him. “You okay?”

Trigger nodded. “Yeah. We’ll be fine.”

Stone took Blue’s hand and pulled her toward the hallway. Blue stopped as they stepped over the threshold. “The heating pad is on a timer. It’s off now. She prefers the medium heat setting. Depending on her pain, she likes it on her lower back or the lower part of her stomach. Any extra supplies she may need are in the bathroom.”

Trigger rose to his feet and slipped his belt from between the loops as he nodded. “Got it. I will take care of her. I promise. Get some rest. You are dead on your feet. Can’t help me take care of her if you go down too.”
