Page 15 of Captivated

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Blue wrinkled her nose at him. “I can’t believe you’re guilt-tripping me.”

“Is it working?”

“Like a charm,” she grumbled, then yawned.

Trigger chuckled as they disappeared from the doorway. Then he closed the door and turned to the woman still on the bed. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen her asleep, but she seemed more beautiful to him every time.

He was pulled from his thoughts when she emitted a low moan of discomfort. With a few strides, he crossed the room and gently crawled onto the bed beside her. She immediately drew closer to him as he stretched out. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her until she settled again.

Spotting the heating pad beneath her, he touched it and found it cool. It didn’t take him long to figure out how to operate it. Once it was on, he exhaled heavily and closed his eyes. It felt so good to be there like this with her, even if she wasn’t feeling well.

Slowly, he began to relax until he drifted off. It wasn’t until a low sound of pain filled his ears that he jerked awake. He immediately reached for Harley, only to find the spot beside him empty. His eyes snapped open, and the low light outside the window told him several hours had passed.

He looked around until he spotted Harley pacing back and forth across the room, her face contorted with pain. Instinctively, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and pushed to his feet.

“What can I do?” he asked, his voice a low rumble.

Harley offered a strained smile, sweat glistening on her forehead. “Just cramps. They're hitting harder than usual. I can’t take any more of the heating pad right now. I’m too hot. Took a pain pill. It just needs time to kick in.”

Trigger’s expression softened as he walked to the wall and flipped on the ceiling fan. Cool air automatically began to circulate the room.

“Come get back into bed. It will probably help if you are off your feet.”

Harley automatically shook her head. “I’m fine. Blue shouldn’t have called you.”

Trigger’s expression softened as he approached her. “She didn’t. Stone did because Blue was exhausted but wouldn’t leave your side.”

To his surprise, tears filled her eyes. “I should have just stayed at the clubhouse.”

He pulled her into his embrace. “No. You did the right thing. The only thing you were trying to do was get your heating pad. You weren’t planning to stay. No one is blaming you for anything, so dry your eyes. Stone is caring for her, and I’m doing the same for you.” He leaned back to look at her. “Will you let me do that for you?”

She stared at him for a long time. “It doesn’t mean anything if I do.”

“Yes, it does,” he said with a chuckle. “So stop fighting it.”

Slowly, he moved backward, tugging her with him until he reached the bed. It didn’t take him long to get them arranged on top of the covers until she was curled against his side. She shifted as if trying to find a position that would help alleviate her pain.

“Harley, are you wearing a pad or a tampon?”

“Tampon. Why?”

He kneaded the tense muscles in her lower back, smiling when she exhaled softly in what sounded like relief.

“Because the heating pad isn’t an option for you right now, and you’re still cramping.”

He could see the moment that she understood the alternative that he was offering because her entire body stiffened.

“You asshole,” she growled as she hit his arm and tried to pull away. “If you ever think I’m having sex with you, especially right now, you have another thing coming.”

He grabbed her hands before she could land another blow. “I don’t know what type of selfish bastard you think I am, but sex is the last thing on my mind when you are hurting.”

Puzzlement filled her gaze. “But you—”

“I’m talking about giving you relief, crazy woman. Believe me, I’m not thinking about putting my dick anywhere near you right now. Not because I’m squeamish about blood, either. But because you are clearly suffering. But I don’t doubt that a good nut is exactly what you need.”

Harley rolled her eyes. “It sounds so caring and romantic when you put it that way.”

His gaze was unwavering as he met her eyes. “Yes or no?”
