Page 29 of Captivated

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“She gonna run?”

He looked over at Everest. “If you’d asked me that a month ago, my answer would have been yes. Now, my gut tells me no, but this is going to send her into a weird headspace. This is the one thing she’s been trying to avoid.”

“You know Blue will do whatever she can,” Rock added.

Trigger dragged his palm down his face before slamming it on the table. “Fuck! She doesn’t deserve this.”

“You’re right,” Stone agreed. “We will figure out a way to handle this without putting Harley in danger. She’s one of us, and we take care of ours.”

Trigger looked down at the folder again, his anger threatening to boil over as he stared at the images—the chilling reminders of a threat that he couldn’t disregard.

Harley was a woman who had burrowed into his heart. He was a man whose past was a tapestry of mistakes and missteps. But Harley had seen beyond his façade, and now, the thought of something happening to her struck him like a blow.

“I’m going to kill this fucker the first chance I get,” Trigger promised.

“Kill shot is yours,” Stone promised.

As much as he was looking forward to that, the guarantee was hollow. It wouldn’t change what he had to do.

“I have to tell her. The sooner, the better.” He looked over at Everest and Viking. “I’m sure she probably won’t be in for a few days. That’s probably best, as we’ll have company this weekend.”

“Yeah,” Trigger grumbled as he pushed back from the table. “Let me go break this to her now. I will probably be out of commission for the rest of the night.”

“Give us a shout if you need anything,” Viking offered.

“I will,” Trigger replied as he left the room.

But the truth be told, there was nothing anyone could do right now. This was going to devastate Harley. He exited the clubhouse and climbed onto his bike before starting the engine. As he drove the short distance to his place, he thought about the sparks that had ignited between them, the banter, and the moments that had left a lasting impact.

At first, he’d fought against his growing attraction, convinced that he was too rough around the edges to deserve someone like her. But now, the reality that she was in danger wiped away his reservations.

He came to a halt outside of his sanctuary. Confirmation that Harley was meant for him because she was inside, and he still considered it to be that.

He dismounted his bike and moved towards the front door, his footsteps purposeful and measured. If he appeared calm, perhaps Harley would take the news better.

Just as he reached the door, it swung open. Instinct made him want to go for his weapon, but Harley came into view, and he relaxed.

“Hey,” she greeted. “Is”

She backed away from him, telling him that perhaps he hadn’t hidden his emotions as well as he thought he had. It was when the tears filled her eyes before they began to stream down her cheeks that he sprang into action.

Closing the door behind him, he secured it before moving toward her and pulling her into his embrace. He didn’t even waste his breath trying to console her. There was nothing he could say. Instead, he just held her.
