Page 28 of Captivated

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She frowned as she picked up on his words. “What’s the other?”

“Link called. I don’t have all the details, but it sounds serious.”

Some of the tension left her body, but he knew it wouldn't remain that way if he told her the rest. Harley was a fighter who refused to be confined by the expectations placed upon her. But now, realizing she was in danger ignited a fire within him. He would protect her at all costs.

“Oh...okay. Well, I’ll be at your place waiting for you.”

Before she could step away, he pulled her into his embrace and pressed his lips to hers. He kissed her like he’d been gone for a week instead of a day. When he released her, she was breathless but smiling.

“I missed you, too,” she murmured.

“See you in a bit,” he replied.

He released her and watched her walk away before joining the band of brothers he knew stood waiting for him. The second he entered the clubhouse, he knew it was bad. If all of the officers were present, it was serious.

Stone stood as Trigger walked over. “I’m going to break protocol and leave it up to you as to whether you want to call Church to order or if you just want to meet with the officers.”

He studied his Prez, trying to read him. “You know what’s going on?”

“Yeah. Link filled me in,” Stone stated.

“Am I going to lose my shit?” he asked.

Stone nodded without saying anything.

Trigger closed his eyes and clenched his hands into fists as he tried to control his immediate reaction. “No church. Just officers. We’ll fill the others in later on whatever is brewing.”

“Let’s do this then,” Stone stated before turning his attention to the members milling around the room. “We are not on official lockdown, but keep your heads on a swivel. Understood.”

A chorus of “Yes, Prez” filled the room.

Trigger led the way into the smaller meeting room large enough to hold all the officers. He sat and tried to clear his mind so that he could logically work through things he was about to hear.

Then Link walked in with a folder and put it right in front of Trigger as Rock closed the door. At that moment, he wondered if this was what it had felt like for them when Blue had been in danger. If it had, he was amazed that Stone and Rock hadn’t set everything on fire because that’s exactly what he wanted to do.

“What am I getting ready to look at?” he asked Link before reaching for the folder.

“A complete shit show. The short version is Ice is looking for Harley. He has money on her head, but she has to be brought back to him unharmed.”

“How much?” Trigger asked.

“One hundred thousand.”

“She’s worth way more than that,” Trigger muttered, even though he knew it was enough to get a rat to turn. “Why is he making a move like this now?”

“That’s where the story gets real interesting,” Link admitted. “This appears to be part greed and part ego. You know Ice’s reputation. Harley is the only one who managed to get away—even if it was with help. That’s the ego part. The greed part is he wants in on some of the new territory we’ve acquired. He knows that the partnerships are new, and he’s probably trying to see if there are any weak links. While he may not be able to flip an entire club, if he can turn one or two members, that’s all it would take to start trouble.”

Trigger thumbed through the information Link had gathered. “Does Ice know that she’s here?”

“No. However, I can’t guarantee that he won’t find out,” Link stated. “I also can’t tell you how long it may take with a bounty.”

“This also puts us in an interesting situation,” Rock added. “We have to keep Harley out of view. While we can’t do anything about the people who have already seen her, it’s best that she not be around when we handle business concerning the territories we’ve acquired.”

His V.P. didn’t have to elaborate as to why. They didn’t know the loyalty of the new clubs. If any of them decided to rat out Harley for the money or in an attempt to create an alliance with the Vipers instead of the Ravens, it would be a disaster.

“So no working the bar or being in the clubhouse when we have company,” Stone instructed.

Leaning back in the chair, he exhaled heavily. “This is going to gut her. I need to be the one to tell her.”
