Page 33 of Evidence of Truth

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Ben was right. So many of her friends were having babies. She had Alex, and it was enough for now. Someday, maybe she and Mark would have a child. Just not right now. Not until she caught whoever hurt her friend.


Killian and Ben finished the security at Anne’s house. The place was set up so that an alarm would go off even if a mouse tried to enter the house. Maybe it was overkill, but it was more than enough after what Anne and Silas went through.

He hadn’t been with Danny, Joe and Sam the previous day when they went to the house, but Joe filled him in. His stomach had lurched when he heard how Anne had been brutalized and Silas traumatized.

Too many unpleasant memories of growing up passed through his mind, and he wanted to punch someone, mainly the man who did this to two innocents. He could pretend and put his father’s face on the man and give him the justice he deserved. Instead, back at KnightGuard Security, he’d found a sparring partner and went twenty rounds. It didn’t make things any better, but the anger was gone. Now he was just disgusted. He could work with that.

“I’m heading out. Want to stop for a beer?” asked Ben as he placed his tools in his truck.

Did he? Killian looked at his watch; it was five o’clock somewhere. Why not? What else was he going to do? Go clubbing? Find a woman? Be disappointed again? Fuck no. He was going to go out, have a beer and talk shit with Ben.

“I hear Seth is in town and hanging out at the Tiki Bar,” said Ben. “How’s that sound?”

It sounded perfect. His plans to go fishing at the camp had fallen through the last time, and he wanted to set another time. Besides, the Tiki Bar was loud, crazy, and fun. Perfect spot for getting him out of his funk.

“Great. I’ll meet you there,” said Killian as Ben walked out of the house. He set the alarm and locked up the house. Anne would be pleased to find it in perfect condition when she got home. Tomorrow, he’d stop by Mark’s house and bring Silas another Hot Wheels track set that could be added onto. Silas was a brave little boy, and Killian enjoyed talking with him. He still wasn’t sure if Silas or he had more fun building the set and racing the cars. He couldn’t remember if the cars were around when he was a kid, although it didn’t matter. There was never enough money to buy toys when you spent all your paycheck on booze.


He had a cold beer waiting for him, good conversation with friends, and a quiet home to return to. All was well.

* * *

He and Ben walked into the Tiki Bar. For a Friday afternoon, it was rather busy. Killian was surprised. Petey the parrot greeted them with “pretty boy,” and he laughed. Jake must have taught the spirited parrot something other than “pretty girl.”

Seth was at the bar nursing a beer and in a conversation with Jake. They looked up when Ben called out his name.

“Hey, long time no see,” said Seth as he man-hugged them. “Why don’t we grab a booth?”

“Sounds good,” said Ben.

“In that case, I have just the booth for you,” said Jake. He pointed to a large booth at the back of the bar. “It’s the owner’s booth.”

“Whoa, how come we’ve never sat there before?” asked Seth.

Jake laughed. “I just made that up. It’s an empty booth.”

The four of them made their way to the booth. With a soft wind flowing in from the open doors, Killian inhaled the scent of saltwater and barbecue. His stomach growled. Chicken wings or ribs would hit the spot right now.

He slid into the booth next to Ben as Jake ordered another round of beers. The worn leather seat crackled as he sat.

When the beer arrived, they clinked the bottles together. The server took orders for appetizers and promised to be right back. The atmosphere was happy with laughter and sounds of dishes being delivered, tables being cleared, and people having a good time. Exotic music from the islands contributed to the festive vibe. Killian felt himself relax for the first time in days.

Jake was a hoot, sharing stories of the stranger side of owning a bar. You couldn’t make up the stories he told. Killian finally got to talk to Seth about reserving a fishing cabin, and Ben caught them up on all the gossip he got from Marlee. Who knew women were such gossips? Although he had to smile. He, Seth, and Jake were hanging on to those stories like a bunch of girls.

A couple of beers and multiple appetizers later, Killian leaned back and rubbed his stomach. His body and mind were full. He looked around the bar and noticed it had filled up. Couples were dancing on the small dance floor, and the energy level was rising.

For a few hours, all the problems of the world disappeared. His anger was an underlying emotion currently under control. Tomorrow would bring its own problems, but for now, he was good.


Anne slowly pulled on the leggings and loose top Sam thoughtfully brought from her house. Today, she was going home, although what state her house was in was another story. The best part was that she would see Silas, hug and kiss him as if her life depended upon it, and be thankful they were okay.

She’d been in the hospital for two days, and the doctor finally released her, instructing her to take it easy. What a laugh. Did he think she’d be on the dance floor, shimmying her way across it? Everything still ached, but she claimed she felt much better.

“I’m going to stay with you tonight,” said Sam. “Mark will bring Silas over as soon as we get there.”
