Page 68 of Evidence of Truth

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He removed his clothes, left on his boxers, and climbed into bed with Anne. She was already on her side, lightly snoring. He watched her for a few minutes, then moved over to cradle her body in his. She instinctively moved back so her rear end was snuggled into his cock.

It was going to be a long night.

* * *

Killian woke just before dawn broke.

He stretched and realized he was on the edge of the bed. Leaning over to look at Anne, he saw Silas had crawled into bed sometime in the night. Anne had her arm around him, and they looked so peaceful. He didn’t want to wake them. He was furious that a child should be afraid in his own house, which should be a safe place.

Thankfully, it was the weekend. Silas and Anne didn’t have school. They had no place to be. Killian quietly slipped out of bed, pulled on his clothes, and went into the kitchen to make coffee. He wasn’t sure when the guys would be here to finish the security but he hoped early. He checked the refrigerator. Anne had cold cuts and bread. They could make sandwiches. He’d call Joe and have him pick up doughnuts.

Killian poured himself a mug, walked out to the patio, and sat in one of the chairs. The sky ranged from a pale pink to light purple to dark blue. He could see Venus hovering above a crescent moon. A light wind fluttered through the trees. A couple of streets over, a dog barked. It was too early for most people, so few lights were on.

He heard light footsteps behind him.

“Hey, whatcha doing out here all by yourself?” Anne leaned over and kissed the top of his head. “It’s so early.”

She tightened her robe around her waist, sat next to him, and placed her coffee on the small table beside her chair. “Silas climbed into bed with me, although I’m not sure if it was last night or early this morning.”

“I know.” He smirked. “I realized that when I woke up and half my body was off the bed.”

“Who knew a little boy could take so much room?” She smiled and took a sip of coffee, holding the cup between her hands. “I’m so sorry.”

What? She never had to be sorry about anything.

He cocked his head. “Why are you sorry?”

Anne leaned back in the chair. “Humph. Let me count the ways. One, we never finished our date, which was really special, and I had great plans later for you. Two, someone tried to break into my house. And,” she said, holding up one, then two fingers for emphasis, “not once, but twice. Let’s not forget you’ve been drawn into my crazy problems, which you probably don’t need.”

Killian was appalled that she felt bad about drawing him into her problems. Maybe a few months ago, he would have thought differently, but love—and yes, he was in love with her—meant her problems were his and vice versa. He never wanted her to feel sadness about something she had no control over.

“Sweetheart,” he replied. “First of all, we’re going to have lots more dates, and you’ll have lots of time to do what you will with me. We will see that gallery, and I fully intend for us to return to the Four Winds and get dessert. Second, whoever broke in and hurt you is in for a world of pain when I find him, and that wasn’t your fault. Third, I know crazy, and your problems are not crazy. I’m just glad I can help keep you safe.”

He looked up at the sky. “Although I’m not doing a very good job of keeping you safe.”

“Oh, Killian, I feel safe with you. I know you’re doing your best. You’ve made sure the house is secure, well, as secure as it can be.”

“Not enough for my peace of mind.”

“Anne? Mr. Killian?”

Killian and Anne turned around. Silas was standing in the doorway, rubbing his eyes. He looked adorable in the bright red pajamas with a picture of Chase, the German shepherd police dog, on the front that was a gift from him. Killian only knew it was Chase because Silas spent an entire hour talking about each character and their role in PAW Patrol.

Of course, that had led to the discussion of Silas getting a dog, specifically a German shepherd, which Anne nixed.

Maybe one of these days, when they were more settled, Killian thought he might bring up the subject again and convince her to get one. Every kid needed a dog to take care of and love. Didn’t they?

Anne opened her arms. “Come here, sweetie.”

Silas snuggled into her arms. “Have you caught the bad guy yet?” he asked Killian.

“Not yet, bud. But, we will.”

“I was a little afraid last night,” he whispered.

Killian’s heart broke. “It’s okay. We all were.”

“Even you?” Silas asked Killian.
