Page 69 of Evidence of Truth

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“Even me. But I promise we’ll make the house safer and catch this guy soon so you never have to be afraid again.”

Silas nodded. “I was trying to be brave for Sarah. She was scared, too.”

“You did a great job staying calm and hiding,” said Killian. “Sometimes, that’s all you can do.”

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, watching the sky turn from dark blue to salmon-colored clouds and the sun peeking over the horizon.

Silas had fallen asleep in Anne’s lap.

Killian’s heart softened looking at them. He hoped someday they would be family.

That is, after this creep was caught and he knew Anne and Silas were safe. If he couldn’t keep them safe, it would be another failure on his part, and Killian wasn’t sure his heart could handle that.


At quarter after ten, Anne heard several cars drive down the street and park in front of her house. She thought little about it since a couple of guys from KnightGuard Security were due anytime.

“Hello? Hello?”

The front door opened just as she got to it. Sam, Mark, and Alex were standing there, the sun shining brightly on their faces. Sam was holding a bag. Anne stepped back and frowned.

“I thought Joe and Logan were coming over.”

Anne heard voices coming up the walk. When she looked, she saw her girlfriends walking up with their significant others and their kids.


Sam walked past her into the house. “We thought we’d have a picnic out back after the guys finished. The kids were excited to come, too.”

Killian entered the living room and stared at everyone holding food or security equipment. He looked at Anne, who shrugged.

The girls kissed Anne on the cheek, the guys shook hands, and Silas, who had heard the commotion, came running out of his bedroom shrieking in excitement, which caused the older kids to yell hello.

Anne blew out a breath. “Silas, why don’t you take the kids out back? Girls, you can put the food in the kitchen, and the guys can work on the security. “

“See,” Marlee said to Ben. “That’s how it’s done. A teacher always knows how to organize events.”

The group laughed. Sam took charge of the food and helped in the kitchen. Claire put the baby down in a portable crib in Anne’s office and shut the door. Marlee and Grace went outside to oversee the little ones.

Anne noticed a pile of wood along one side of the yard. “What’s the wood for?” she asked Sam.

“Well, Killian ordered a fence to be installed on Monday. The guys thought it would be nice to build a swing set for Silas and his friends. They figure it won’t take long.” Sam rolled her eyes.

“Optimistic some?”

Sam shrugged. “If it gives them joy, who am I to say anything?”

“The kids won’t get in the way, will they?”

“Luke brought a movie they can watch while the guys get the heavy work out of the way.”

Killian was outside, helping the guys. He walked into the kitchen as the women placed food on the counter.

“Looking good, ladies,” he said.

He looked so sexy standing there in a black tee and jeans. Anne walked over to him, hugged him, and kissed him on the cheek. The girls hooted and hollered and told them to get a room.

“Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?”
