Page 70 of Evidence of Truth

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Anne had never seen Killian blush, but he was turning an attractive shade of pale pink.

“For being you and thinking of our safety,” she said.

Killian glanced over at the girls, who were staring at them and smirking. He pulled Anne into his arms, gave her a swoon-worthy kiss that lasted for what seemed forever, then set her back on her feet and walked out.


“Oh my,” exclaimed Maddie, fanning herself. “That was H.O.T.”

Anne hadn’t met Maddie. She knew Maddie was with Logan, but that was about all. She instantly liked the slender, brown-haired woman. Also, Maddie had brought cupcakes that were perfectly decorated with hammers, saws, and screwdrivers. Anne had a sweet tooth, and her mouth watered just looking at them.

“Oh, by the way, I brought my camera,” said Maddie. “Do you have any problem with me taking pictures of Silas? I know I have permission to take the other kids’ pictures.”

Anne looked at the floor. Pictures of Silas? She only had a few. Why hadn’t she thought to buy a camera or use her phone more?

“Maddie is a professional photographer,” said Hailey. “She takes wonderful pictures.”

“You have to come to a showing at the BookShop,” exclaimed Laura. “Her photography is gorgeous. Also, you can check it out online.”

“I will, thanks.” Anne didn’t see Laura often, and she wondered how she could get away from the bistro. “You don’t have to work today?” asked Anne.

Laura smiled and crinkled her eyes. “I’m the boss.” She laughed. “I’ve hired additional help, so I have more time at home. Besides, I miss enough of our get-togethers, so this is a special day for me.” Then she looked stricken. “Anne, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to undermine the importance of getting security done.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it,” Anne replied. “I’m thrilled that you all are here.”

The women busied themselves getting lunch made. What an assortment there was. Different kinds of sandwich materials, pasta salads, green salads, brownies, and cupcakes for dessert. Laura brought a couple of new appetizers for them to try, and somebody else brought beer and wine. Sam brought paper plates and plastic flatware, so there would be no extra work for anyone. It was well thought-out, and Anne loved knowing her friends were there for her.

If only the security measures worked and they caught the creep, everything would be almost perfect. She could go ahead with the adoption, and maybe, just maybe, Killian would want to be a permanent part of their lives.

* * *

Martin drove slowly past Anne’s house. He was taking a chance driving by, but it was Saturday, and he didn’t think anyone would be out front or recognize his truck. He was prepared to duck if anyone noticed.

Except a half dozen cars and trucks were parked in front of her house. What was going on? He drove a block over and parked. There was an empty house for sale that was two houses over from Anne’s house. He could see her backyard from there.

Standing in the shadow of some pine trees, he peeked over the fence. What in holy hell? About eight burly guys were out there, a bunch of kids were yelling and screaming, and it looked like a picnic table was set up for a buffet.

Anne was having a party, pretending everything was perfect and not caring that Martin’s life was on the line—well, not that she knew that factoid, but still.

Plans with Bobby were still in the making. Actually, he hadn’t talked to Bobby in a couple of weeks. The man had been a little squirrelly lately, and Martin hoped he was still on board with helping him.

He had to think of something drastic to get the bear.

How could he get to Anne and Silas easily and, more importantly, quickly? He thought for a minute. Yes! That would work.


Anne stifled a yawn. It was early. The warm sun shone through the classroom windows, making her drowsy. The one cup of coffee she had at home just wasn’t doing it for her.

The weekend had been so much fun and a whirlwind of activity.

After the guys finished the security and most of the play set, they all sat down for the picnic, which was a blast, and she could talk to people she didn’t know or know well.

She and Killian had some one-on-one time since Sam brought Silas home with her. The fence was being delivered and installed later today, and Killian volunteered to oversee it.

The only disagreement they had was the cost of the fence. Killian insisted upon paying for it. Anne insisted he didn’t. She had the money.

Anne lost that argument.
