Page 78 of Evidence of Truth

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“What the fuck?” Martin yelled.

“I have something to do in town today,” said Bobby. “What are your plans for those two?” He nodded toward Anne and Silas. “And where is my share of the diamonds?”

Diamonds? Was that what this was about?

What did diamonds have to do with the bear? She’d seen Martin put it in the duffle bag he had brought in last night.

“I—I couldn’t find them,” said Martin, who swiped at the beads of perspiration on his forehead.

Why was Martin lying to Bobby? People got killed over less.

Bobby looked surprised. “You what? What about the bear and the kid? Then why did you bring these two here?” he shouted as he reached behind him and pulled out a gun.

Martin’s face paled. He put his hands up in a placating move. “Let me explain.”

Anne’s pulse quickened. The situation was going downhill fast. She looked between the two men. She’d like to know the answers to that too before she was killed.

There was a slight movement next to her. Silas was waking up. She hoped he would sleep longer. He looked at her, and she whispered, “Shhh.”

The two men were circling each other. “You wasted my time,” yelled Bobby. “You promised Jinx more of the stash. He’s expecting it when he gets out of jail. He’ll kill us both for lying to him.” Bobby paced the floor and threw up his hands. “What the hell am I supposed to tell him?”

Then Bobby sighed and shook his head. “This is not good, not good at all. You’ve put me in the police crosshairs for what? A dream? A promise?”

Martin put out his hands. “I thought I’d find them. I’m out too. Look, we’ve been friends for years. You have to believe me.”

Bobby glared at him, then pointed the gun at Anne and Silas. “What about the bitch and kid?”

“They’ve seen our faces. They have to disappear,” Martin replied. His face was devoid of all emotion.

No. Anne wanted to scream. They said that in front of Silas, who was breathing heavily, his eyes as big as saucers. He opened his mouth to say something, and she shook her head. Anne tugged harder at the bindings. Something felt warm and sticky. She figured it was her wrists bleeding.

“So, what? You’re going to kill them in my cabin?” asked Bobby.

Martin looked down at the ground and up. “I was hoping you’d take care of them.”

Her vision was blurring. She couldn’t wipe the tears from her eyes but didn’t want Silas to know she was crying.

Every regret she ever had flew across her mind. Why didn’t she adopt Silas sooner? Why was she waiting for Killian to talk about living together? Why? Why?

Hearing these two bozos talking about their deaths as if it were nothing disgusted her. She couldn’t believe this discussion. They were sitting—technically tied up—right there. And these two were talking about killing them?

Bobby stomped over to a small table. “You’re unbelievable,” he said to Martin. “First, you have me guarding her house on the promise of a bigger payout, then you come here telling me it’s missing, and now?” He poked Martin in the chest. “Now you want me to kill them?”

“You owe me,” Martin replied. “I went to jail for you and Jinx.”

“Ass. You were dumb enough to get caught. That had nothing to do with us.” Bobby walked over to the door and opened it to look out. “I’m not going to jail for you. We’re done.”

He turned and, in a split second, shot Martin in the forehead. Martin fell to the ground. Anne and Silas screamed.

Bobby turned the gun on them. “Want to die right now?”

Anne shook her head.

“Then shut the fuck up while I decide what I’m going to do with you two.”

Bile churned in Anne’s stomach. Silas was hyperventilating. Now would be a good time for Killian to come to the rescue. But he wasn’t here. Anne knew it was up to her to save them.

The room fell silent as Bobby stared at Martin’s body. With a huge sigh, he put the gun on the table, threw Martin over his shoulder, and walked out the door. Anne couldn’t tell where he was going or what he would do with the body.
