Page 79 of Evidence of Truth

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She frantically worked the bindings. There! Did the rope loosen a little? Before she could do any more, Bobby came back.

“Martin was an idiot,” he said. “But he was right about one thing. You two have to go.”

“Please. I promise we won’t say anything,” begged Anne.

“That’s what they all say,” replied Bobby. He glanced around the cabin as if looking for something. “Stupid man. Why did he bring his problems here?”

Anne thought about telling him that Martin had the bear in the duffle. However, she also surmised it wouldn’t make a difference for them and that their time on earth would be shorter if she did.

“I have to get rid of his truck. I’ll be back in a half hour or less,” he said to Anne. “Don’t go anywhere.” He cackled.

Bobby once again walked out the door. Anne heard the truck start and wondered where he was driving it too.

She knew they were in the middle of nowhere, so maybe there were lots of places to hide a truck with a dead body inside. If she was not mistaken, soon there would be two more bodies to hide.


Lefty had given them a couple of names.

Sam already called Phil to gather any information he could about them. It wasn’t hard to track Jinx Mathers down. He was currently residing in the county jail. The police believed the other man, a Bobby Jenkins, was Jinx’s accomplice but couldn’t pin anything on him.

Bobby lived in an isolated house outside town at the end of a dirt road with no neighbors around. There were no security cameras around his house, and the cell phone reception was spotty.

Would Martin go to Bobby’s house and hide out, or did he have another hidey-hole? There was no telling with this fucker.

They were about an hour out from Jenkins’s house, and Killian prayed Anne and Silas were still okay, still alive.

* * *

Bobby just left. Anne heard him drive the truck away. She figured they had less than a half an hour to save themselves.

“Silas, can you try to move your chair behind me?” asked Anne. “I might be able to loosen your ties.”

“I’ll try,” the little boy said. She saw his bottom lip trembling and would have killed Martin herself if he weren’t already dead.

He struggled to move his chair back to back with hers. Anne reached out as far as her fingers could reach. It wasn’t enough.

“Can you get closer?”

Anne heard thumping and scratching. Finally, she felt Silas’s hands by hers. “I’m going to try to untie you. I think your ties are a little looser.”

She tried to grasp the end of one piece of rope. It slipped through her fingers. Anne sighed and prayed.

Trying again, she was able to hold on to the end of the rope and feel the knot.

“Silas, can you wiggle your wrists around?”

She felt him trying to stretch and wiggle the rope. It was looser. She might be able to loosen the knot.

“Once more, sweetheart. Just a little harder.”

Silas grunted and pulled. The rope slipped from her fingers.

“Yes! We did it,” he shouted.

“Okay, now untie your feet and then untie me. Do you think you can do that?”

The chair moved, and Silas was standing behind her. “The knots are tight,” he groaned. “You’re bleeding.”
