Page 85 of Evidence of Truth

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Well, Bobby was a little more talkative after you left. The diamonds are in the bear. That was why Martin broke into Anne’s house the first time and then kidnapped her.

Sam reached down and pulled up the bear, who was looking a little worse for wear.

Killian cocked his head. “You kept the bear?”

“Well, I was thinking it is important to Silas, but call me curious. I want to see the diamonds for myself. Are you game?”

“Fuck, yeah.”

She nodded and opened a pocketknife. She slit open the back of the bear and poked around in the stuffing. “Jackpot.”

Killian leaned forward as Sam pulled out a burlap bag and emptied it on the table.

The diamonds tumbled out, creating a rainbow disco ball around the table, walls and ceiling of sparkling colors. They were all sorts of sizes and shapes.

“Holy shit!” exclaimed Killian. “There must be a couple of hundred diamonds there.”

Sam was speechless.

“Well, now we know. The article about the stolen diamonds mentioned the jewelry store. Later today, I’ll bring them to the police to return to the owner.”

“Good. Is that all?”

Sam tapped her fingers on the conference table and sighed. “No. I’m worried about Anne.”

“Why?” he asked. “She’s home and on the mend. Jenkins is in jail and will be charged with murder, kidnapping, and who knows what else. She’s safe.”

Sam nodded. “True. But I’ve known Anne for years. She puts on a brave front, but underneath it all, she’s compassionate and the queen of overthinking. I bet she’s at home right now, going over everything that’s happened and blaming herself.”

“That’s ridiculous. This could have happened to anyone. How could she have known what Martin and Jenkins were planning?”

“She couldn’t. You know it, and I know it. Crap, it wasn’t long ago that someone fooled me, and it almost cost me and Claire our lives. And I know better.”

Killian was surprised Sam admitted that. He’d heard the story about Sam and Claire, who were kidnapped by someone who had a grudge against Sam. Claire escaped, but the cabin where Sam was being held was set on fire.

“So why are you telling me this?”

“Because it’s up to us to ensure Anne doesn’t blame herself.” She gave him a small smile. “Actually, it’s up to you. She needs to know there was nothing she could have done.” Sam shrugged. “If I were in that situation, I couldn’t have done anything differently.”

Killian stood. “I’m going there right now. I hope you’re wrong.”

* * *

The drive over to Anne’s house afforded Killian time to think. He prayed Sam was wrong. Anne did nothing wrong. There was no right way to handle a kidnapping.

He opened the door with his key and found Anne curled up in a chair, looking distraught. Fuck, Sam was right.

“Hi, sweetheart.” Killian bent over to kiss her head. “Can I get you anything?”

Anne shook her head.

Killian sat on the sofa and looked at Anne. Her eyes were red. She’d been crying. Her face was pale except for the ugly bruises. She was still in her pajamas, and her hair hadn’t been combed.

Anne looked defeated.


She was looking at her hands and didn’t look up.
