Page 86 of Evidence of Truth

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“Sweetheart, look at me. Please.”

Anne lifted her head. A tear dripped down her cheek. Killian wanted to pick her up and hold her but didn’t. He wanted to tell her his story first.

“A few years ago, during one of our missions, we were ambushed, and one of my team was killed by someone I thought was a friendly. The team tried to convince me he wasn’t, but I didn’t believe them. I rehashed all the events leading up to it for the longest time and blamed myself. It took a long time for me to forgive myself.”

“That’s war,” Anne said. “You can’t predict events.”

“True. Just like you couldn’t predict Martin would take a job as a janitor to get close to you. Or that Jenkins would kill him. We can’t prevent every tragedy. Even if you had all the training in the world, you still wouldn’t have left Silas. You did the best you could.”

Anne sighed.

“You saved Silas. I know that was your main concern. You would have saved yourself if Jenkins hadn’t come back early.” Killian got up, scooched in front of Anne, and cupped her face. “Tell yourself that you made the best decision possible under the circumstances. Remember, you are brave. You are not a failure. Most importantly, you are not alone. Silas loves you. Your friends love you. I love you. And it’s because you are the most loving, caring person we know.”

“But Silas…”

“No buts. Silas would be devastated if you weren’t in his life. He talked about how you kept him calm when he wanted to cry. He looks up to you.”

Anne shrugged. “That may be true.”

Killian helped her to her feet. “It’s definitely true. How about we get into bed, and I’ll hold you until you go to sleep? When you wake up, I know you’ll feel better.”

She thought about it for a minute. “Okay. I am a little tired, and my brain hurts from thinking about all the what-ifs.”

Killian led her into the bedroom and helped her to bed, since she was still in her pajamas. He removed his shoes and lay beside her, gathering her into his arms.

“Go to sleep, Anne,” he whispered as he felt her body soften, and almost immediately, she was asleep. When she woke, Killian vowed they’d face the future together as a family.


A week later, Killian was parked outside Silas’s school, waiting for Anne to bring him to the truck. Then they were going shopping. The distant laughter of children getting out of school filled the air. It was a crisp and cold day, perfect for shopping indoors.

The little boy had been diligently saving his allowance and eager to spend it all on a surprise gift for Anne—just because. Killian relished this time with him. He wanted to gauge how Silas was coping with the kidnapping. And if he had any concerns or questions.

Anne was doing better and returned to school a couple of days ago. Since it was Friday, she had plans to meet up with her girlfriends at the Tiki Bar, which was perfect. He and Silas could shop and have pizza at the mall.

As a special favor, he asked Jake if he wouldn’t mind keeping an eye on Anne while the women were there. Jake had heard about the kidnapping and was more than happy to oblige—covertly, of course. It was silly on Killian’s part, and Anne would be upset if she knew she was being watched.

However, she was still fragile, although she never said a thing to anyone. Martin was dead, and Jenkins was in jail. Despite that, Killian wasn’t comfortable having her go out. That was on him. He would be overprotective for a while—a long while.

The kidnapping had scared him too much.

Killian loved Anne and Silas and never wanted them in a compromising position again. He trusted Anne to make the right decisions, but there were too many crazies out there.

Killian had never been to the Black Pointe Mall, an upscale mall on the city’s outskirts. He’d already checked it out online.

There was quite a selection of restaurants, but one, in particular, stood out—a jungle-themed restaurant with an indoor rainforest, simulated rainstorms, monkeys, and elephants. Perfect for a five-year-old. Plus, they served liquor. Perfect for an adult. There were a variety of expensive stores mixed in with some outlets and more affordable stores.

He was looking for something particular for Anne and wanted Silas to help him pick it out. Besides, he needed to get Silas’s blessing.

A knock on the window jolted Killian from his thoughts. Silas was peering in, pressing his face against the glass. Killian chuckled. Well, the window needed cleaning anyhow. He unlocked the door, and Silas climbed in the back and secured his seat belt in the car seat.

“Hey, bud. Excited to go shopping?”

Silas nodded. “Yes!” Then he got a little sad. “I only have ten dollars. Do you think I can buy Anne something with that?”

“Hmmm. Ten dollars is a lot of money. I bet you can.” Killian pulled out the bag behind the seat.

“I have a surprise for you.”
