Page 91 of Evidence of Truth

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No. Not yet.

They devoured the rest of the appetizers and sat back in their chairs to watch the moon peeking over the horizon slowly rising like a giant orb.

The beachgoers were gradually leaving. Some teenagers were roughhousing by one of the beach houses, and a few houses down, several couples who had a similar idea to watch the moon were on the sand.

“How about we see what surprises Laura packed for dinner?” he asked.

“Absolutely. Although it would be hard to outdo the appetizers.”

He opened the basket again and pulled out two containers.

“That Laura! She is so creative,” exclaimed Anne. “Who would have thought to pack our meals in bento boxes?”

Who indeed? And what the hell are bento boxes?

“It is a Japanese box that contains food that people use for traveling, or kids bring to school.”

Killian didn’t realize he had asked that question out loud. There were two boxes held together with an elastic-type strap. He took the strap off and handed one box to Anne.

“I can’t wait to see what she’s packed.”

She uncovered the box and took out one layer. “A caprese salad and French bread! Yum.”

That sounded good. Anne was already looking at the other layer and laughed. “I think I died and went to heaven.”

She pulled out a roll stuffed with pink lobster meat and green celery. “And Laura added homemade potato chips.” Anne took a bite of the lobster roll, closed her eyes, and moaned.

Killian was ready to take the food away, rip off Anne’s clothes, and take her right there.

But… his rational mind told his little mind it wasn’t a good idea.

“This is some spread. It’s more than I ever imagined,” said Killian. He had to think of some way of thanking Laura. She’d gone above and beyond.

They ate silently and watched the moon slowly ascend, illuminating the surf as it flowed onto the beach.

Killian looked over at Anne. Her face was bathed in soft light from the lantern. She was the most beautiful woman he’d met, inside and out.

He patted his pocket. Not time yet.

Anne closed her bento box and sighed. “This has been the most magical evening. Thank you.”

“You never have to thank me. I may not be the most romantic guy, but I wanted this to be special for you.”

“Killian, you may not think you’re romantic, but you show me how romantic you are every time we’re together. When we walk on the sidewalk, you always walk on the road side. You hold doors for me. You’re thoughtful, and you care about Silas, and you rescued me just like I knew you would. Flowers and chocolates are fine, but I want a man who treats me like a queen and who I trust.”

“As long as I make you happy, that’s what counts.” He looked at his watch. The launch was going up soon, and it looked like it would pass by the moon.

“I think there’s dessert if you’re not too full,” he said.

“Ugh. I’m going to have to loosen my jeans soon.” She smiled. “But bring it on.”

He brought out another bento box and opened the cover. The top layer was filled with skewers of strawberries and other fruits. The bottom layer had tiny squares of brownies and assorted cookies.

Killian picked up a brownie. “Open wide,” he said. He gently placed the brownie in Anne’s mouth and watched her lick her lips.


Cheers from the people on the beach had them looking up—a bright orange fireball passed by the moon. The rocket exhaust squiggled through the darkened sky. They followed the trail until they couldn’t see it anymore.
