Page 114 of End of Night

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She shrugged. “Okay, I think? They said they’d let me know after they finished interviewing the other candidates. I liked Mr. Bosworth, and he seemed to like me. His spinal surgery is booked for next week, so I expect I’ll hear back from them by the end of the week.”

“It’s okay if you don’t get it,” Boone said. “There will be other private nursing gigs.”

She grinned at him. “Sure, but I need to start contributing to household expenses before my boyfriend kicks me out.”

“Pretty sure your boyfriend doesn’t mind,” Boone said.

“I’ll ask him when I see him later tonight,” she said.

He growled playfully at her, and she laughed before resting her hand on his thigh. His gaze dropped to her throat. The healing scabs of Camilla’s claws made his tiger growl, and Hedra squeezed his thigh. “They don’t hurt anymore.”

He leaned down and pressed a kiss against one of the marks. “I hate that you’ll be scarred from this.”

“It’s okay,” she said, cupping his face. “All I care about is that we’re both safe.”

He kissed her again, taking it deeper this time, sliding his tongue into her mouth and ignoring her muffled sound of surprise.

He couldn’t, however, ignore Cooper’s nudge or Grayson’s wolf whistle. He released Hedra, pleased at the flush that covered her cheeks, as Cooper said, “Keep it in your pants, buddy.”

Hedra’s cheeks pinked even more, and Eleanor laughed. “Oh my God, you two are so cute together. You make the best couple. Well, after Wes and me.”

She grinned at Wes, who nuzzled her neck affectionately.

“Wait, where do Ryan and I fall on this list?” Grayson asked.

“Oh, uh… tie for third with Cooper and Daisy?” Eleanor said. She frowned. “Fuck, I Eleanored it up again.”

Ryan laughed. “I, for one, find it delightful when you Eleanor it up.”

Eleanor grinned at her as Cooper cleared his throat. “Daisy and I have an announcement to make.”

“You’re having a baby,” Boone said immediately.

Cooper glared at him. “No, we’re not having a cub, Boone.”

“But you loved the picture I texted of him cuddling the babies, right?” Boone said to Daisy.

Daisy laughed. “It might have made my ovaries explode, yes.”

“Anyway,” Cooper said with another scowl at Boone, “our announcement isn’t that Daisy’s pregnant.” He cupped the back of Daisy’s neck possessively. “Go ahead, baby.”

“We set a date for the wedding,” Daisy said, her pretty face beaming. “September 12th, so mark your calendars.”

As a chorus of congratulations echoed around the table, Boone leaned closer to Hedra and lowered his voice. “I guess we wait to tell them we’re engaged?”

She raised an eyebrow. “We’re engaged?”

“Oh, didn’t I tell you?” Boone said with an innocent look. “You’re engaged to me. I asked you before you fell asleep last night, and you said sure.”

“I don’t remember that,” Hedra said.

“Well, you were pretty out of it from all the great orgasms I gave you,” Boone said.

“There were a lot of great orgasms last night,” Hedra said.

Boone traced his finger over the cast on her arm. “Just trying to distract you from the pain of your broken arm.”

“So thoughtful,” she said. “Tell me, this engagement of ours, is it quick or drawn out?”

“Quick,” he said. “Go to the justice of the peace next week, quick.”

She laughed. “Nice try, handsome. My mom would kill us both if we got married at the justice of the peace.”

“So, you’re saying that I should be planning for an elaborate and expensive wedding with caviar, white doves, and surprise celebrity guests?” Boone asked.

“Yes,” Hedra said. “Still want to marry me?”

Boone kissed her. “There is nothing I want more, my mate.”

* * *

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