Page 20 of Dark of Night

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“Sit tight. We won’t be long,” Wes said.

Cooper leaned over and pressed a kiss against Daisy’s mouth. “Stay in the truck with the doors locked, my mate. No matter what you hear.”

She flushed a little. “Don’t get shot, and I will.”

Cooper laughed and opened the driver’s door. “I’ll be right back.”

Wes and Cooper headed toward the front door of Eleanor’s small bungalow. She peered out the window, her anxiety level cranking up to def con red when Wes opened the front door and disappeared inside.

“He’ll be okay,” Daisy said. She’d twisted in the front seat so she could look at Eleanor. “Our guys are tough.”

“Wes isn’t my guy.” Eleanor scratched at the tape holding the bandage to her arm.

“He’s acting like he is,” Daisy said. “He was freaking out at the hospital.”

She shrugged. “Because he’s a nice guy, that’s all.”

“It seemed more than that to me.”

“Well, it isn’t,” Eleanor snapped. “He told me just this morning that we were only friends, so can you lay off the ‘he’s your guy’ thing?”

She immediately felt guilty for snapping. “Shit. I’m sorry, Daisy. I didn’t mean to be a bitch.”

“You’re not,” Daisy said. “I should have minded my own business.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” Eleanor glanced at Daisy before returning her gaze to the front of her house. “I really like Wes, and after the kiss we shared, I thought maybe… anyway, it doesn’t matter. He just wants to be friends.”

“I’m sorry, honey,” Daisy said.

Eleanor shrugged. “What are you gonna do, right? Fuck, what a shitty day. I found out my dad is dead, the guy I’m kind of obsessed with gave me the ‘I only like you as a friend’ talk, and I got shot. I need ice cream. I deserve ice cream, right?”

“Wait… your dad is dead?” Daisy stared wide-eyed at her.

The door to her house opened, and Cooper stepped outside, followed by Wes. Eleanor’s relief was short-lived when they returned to the truck, and she got a good glimpse of Wes’s face.

“Your place was broken into and ransacked,” Wes said. “Obviously, the guy came here looking for the package from your dad.”

“Maybe, or maybe there’s more than one guy,” Cooper said.

Eleanor rubbed the spot just above her right eyebrow. The headache starting there would only worsen if she didn’t get some Advil into her body. Oh, and the entire tub of Rocky Road in her freezer.

“Why do you not look surprised?” Wes said.

“I’m surprised,” Eleanor said.

Wes stared at her, and she muttered a curse. “Fine. The guy might have said something about being in my house.”

“Jesus Christ, Eleanor!” Wes’s frustration with her was palpable.

She didn’t know what to say, so she did what she did best – she babbled. “Okay, well, thank you for doing, uh, a sweep of my house first. That’s what you call it, right? A sweep? Do you guys have a book of all the lingo I need to learn now that I’m caught up in some crazy shit? Because I feel like it would be helpful to know the phrases I should be using. I mean, in case some rando tries to kill me again or whatever.”

Lord, could she look any dumber in front of Wes? Her attraction to Wes and terrible social skills meant that she habitually babbled in front of him. However, the combination of her exhaustion and worry that she was still in danger meant she was really making an ass of herself tonight.

That’s not worry you’re feeling, Eleanor. It’s terror.

She opened the truck door, but before she could slide out, Wes blocked her way. She stared at him. “Uh, Wes? You wanna get out of my way, big guy?”

He shook his head. “You can’t stay at your house tonight.”
