Page 16 of Secret Love

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Chapter 7



Istab my fork through a pile of mashed potatoes as I try to ignore the constant sound of Bennett yapping on and on about some super important audition coming up soon.

These new family dinners were all my mother’s idea. When she and Bennett decided to shack-up permanently, I got dragged along, too. Goodbye, North Hollywood. Hello, Beverly Hills and gated communities. Hello, cooks and maids.

Hello, Dani Roberts. Every single day.

I look up at her from my plate. She sits across from me in her usual chair, her own fork dancing with a piece of broccoli.

“Uh-huh,” she hums at something Bennett says, though she doesn’t seem at all interested in what he’s saying.

“You get this part, honey, and it’ll be smooth sailing from here on,” Bennett says, excitedly waving his fork above his plate. “Roles like this open a lot of doors for young actresses like you.”

I’m sure a famous daddy shaking hands with his rich pals behind the scenes doesn’t hurt either.

Dani nods. “I’m looking forward to it,” she says.

My mother smiles. “Dani, if you need help running your lines, I’m your girl.”

“Sure,” she replies. “That’ll be great. Thank you.”

“Oh, that reminds me,” Bennett says as he quickly blots his lips with his napkin. “We need to do something about your name.”

Dani blinks. “My name?”

“Yeah, Danielle Roberts,” he says with a wince. “It’s too long. Doesn’t roll off the tongue as well as I’d like.”

I look at her, hoping to see at least one rational thought cross her face. Luckily, she doesn’t immediately nod and go along with it. She pauses with a furrowed brow and thinks for a second before replying.

“Well, we could just use Dani, then,” she suggests. “That’s what most people call me anyway—”

“No,”Bennett says. “God, no. It’s too androgynous. No, we need something new and interesting. Feminine and wild.” He makes an excited fist. “We need Roxie.”

I snort.

Bennett glares at me as if he just now noticed I’m even here. “Can I help you, Fox?” he asks.

I shake my head, amused.

He exhales in annoyance and turns his attention back to Dani. As he rattles on a few more “good” reasons to change her name, Dani shifts slightly in her chair with her eyes on me. She seems surprised that I even made a sound at all. It’s not like she’ll ever stand up for herself against him. If I’ve picked up anything from the last few months of living here with them, it’s that.

“Oh, I don’t know,” my mother says. “I actually quite like Danielle. It’s classical. And very pretty.”

Dani nods in agreement and opens her mouth to speak.

“No, it’s not,”Bennett says over her. “We’ve decided on Roxie. It’s final.”

“No,” I say, scoffing. “You decided.”

Bennett slams his hand on the table. “Fox, how about you mind your—”

“It’s fine, Daddy,” Dani says, raising her voice over him. “I like it. We…” She throws on a smile, the same one she always uses to placate him. “We should use Roxie instead. It’s great.”

He exhales hard and scoops his knife off the table. “Good to hear someone else around here making sense,” he says as he angrily slices his steak.

The table lingers in an awkward state for a bit longer. My mother looks at me with that he means well, I’ll talk to him sympathy stare, though I couldn’t care less if Bennett and I get along. I’m just not sure how much longer I can take watching him tightening that noose around Dani’s neck every freakin’ day.

I catch her still staring at me across the table. I expect her to quickly look away like she usually does, but she offers a hidden smile for me instead. Maybe Dani isn’t nearly as brainwashed by her Hollywood dad as I thought.

“Go easy on the potatoes, honey,” Bennett mutters at her.

Dani looks down with sagging shoulders and abandons her fork on her plate.
