Page 69 of Secret Love

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He sighs with rolling eyes. “All right. Let’s hear it.”

We walk in and I close the door behind us, swiftly flicking the lock and double-checking to make sure it’s secured. Boxcar crosses the suite to the table by the window and sits down. My memory buzzes with nostalgia as he leans over his open laptop. I never thought I’d get to see that ever again.

He notices my expression and his brow arches. “What?” he asks.

“Just realized how much I missed this.”

“What, you and me kicking back and complaining about Caleb and Dani? And they say war changes men.”

I chuckle. “Not as much as you’d think.” I reach into my pocket for the flash drive. “I have a file on here that I need to get into.”

Boxcar cracks his knuckles and extends his hand. I toss it at him, and he easily catches it.

“What’s on it?” he asks, pointing it at his USB port.

“The Snake Eyes master file.”

Boxcar drops the drive and it clatters against the keyboard. He looks at me, his expression twisting from genuine curiosity to rightful fear and back again.

I nod, suspicions confirmed. “You didn’t let it go after all, huh?”

He swallows. “No, I did. I definitely did…”

“After you found them?”

“No, Fox. After they found me. Kinda took the hint to get the hell out of dodge and never look back, which I’ve done a pretty decent job at so far.” He stands up and takes several steps away from his computer. “How the hell did you even get this?”

“I stole it.”

“From where?”

I stare at him for several moments until his face drops.

“And suddenly, it all comes together,” he says, flexing his jaw.


“That’swhere you’ve been?!”

“You’re shouting.”

“You’re damn right I’m shouting!” His mouth contorts, shifting between gasps and grins. “You’re a fucking Snake Eyes agent!”

“Not anymore.”

“Holy shit, man!” He pushes his hands through his hair, ruffling it bad, but I doubt he cares. “This is huge.”

“What exactly were you expecting?” I ask. “I came back from the dead to hand that to you.”

He exhales. “Fox, when I woke up this morning, I certainly was not expecting to hack into the deadliest underground organization on the planet. And I say that with the greatest of respect and fear. Quite frankly, I’m appalled you even joined.”

“They didn’t give me much choice.”

“Yeah, I hear their recruitment tactics are a bit medieval.” He pauses, his face falling hard. “It was me, wasn’t it?”

I shake my head, knowing exactly what he’s thinking. “No,” I say.

“They recruited you because of the intel I gave them. This is my fault.”
