Page 24 of Mad Love

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“Bloody hell, woman!”

He juts downward and slams our heads together.

White light floods my vision and we both recoil in pain.

“Fuck me…” I whine, feeling the harsh throbbing between my eyes.

“Not after this stunt, love,” Archer says, pushing me back toward the pillow.

I blink repeatedly to curb my double vision, but he’s already clamped another cuff around my free wrist by the time I can think straight again. I kick at him. He easily jumps back to avoid each blow.

“Calm down,” he says, stuffing his cock back into his pants.

I try to pull myself free, but I’m latched to the headboard. “Uncuff me now and I promise I’ll make it quick.”

Blood falls down his chin from his nose. He wipes it off but even more comes spilling out. “No.”


He takes a single step closer and smirks. “No means no, love.”

I growl and pull at my cuffs again. The bed frame smacks the wall but it’s far too resilient for me to break apart without help.

I search for anything within reach to free myself with, but it’s no use.

Archer Allen, the bounty hunter.

He caught me.

Chapter 8


I caught her.

I may have broken my nose in the process, but it was worth it.

Lilah stares at me from the bed, half-naked and seething with hatred. I can’t really blame her, though. She takes as much pride in her work as I do in mine — and she just failed miserably.

I fetch my jacket off the floor and reach into my pocket for my phone and Enzo’s card. A bit more blood rolls down my chin from my right nostril and I wipe it away before dialing the number.


“I’ve got her,” I say, drawing even more of Lilah’s attention. She holds her breath and tilts her head, trying to listen in on the call.

Enzo chuckles. “Allen, you beautiful bastard. Where?”

“St. Louis. I can deliver her tonight.”

“Make it tomorrow night,” he says. “Don’t bring her to the casino. Take her to the silos, just north of town by the river. I’ll meet you there at nine. Don’t be late.”

He hangs up. I glower at his lack of phone etiquette.

“Deliver me where?”

I smirk at her, but I don’t answer.

“Who sent you?” she asks.
