Page 25 of Mad Love

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Again, I stay quiet as blood continues to trickle from my nose. That head-butt may not have been the best idea…


I scan her room. “Do you have any tampons?”

Her brow twitches. “Excuse me?”

“It’s not a trick question nor am I making an immature remark about the origins of your current attitude,” I say, pinching my nostrils. “I just need to stick something up my nose until it stops bleeding and we both know there’s one product that gets that job done better than any. Now, do you have any tampons?”

She scoffs and juts her chin toward the corner. “Duffel bag. Front pocket.”

“Thank you.”

I walk over to it and yank the zipper open to find a small stash of feminine products stuffed inside. She sits there, watching me with slow, controlled breaths, most likely thinking hard about how she can turn this entire thing around. There’s no doubt in my mind that she can — and will — if I give her even the slightest opportunity. My guard has been up since the start but now it’s fortified with solid steel.

I tear open the tampon package and shove the thing up my nose, biting down to fight the pain vibrating into my brain. The string tickles my lips, annoying the hell out of me, but I’ll just have to live with it until the bleeding stops.

Lilah hums a quiet laugh in response to my pain, but she’s got her own new bruise forming along her forehead.

I return to the bed, pulling up a chair to sit on. “Now that the foreplay is out of the way, let’s get to the good stuff,” I say. “Why did you just try to kill me?”

“Why did you just try to capture me?”

“Look around you, love.” I chuckle. “I did a little more than try.”

“That’s a real odd choice for your last words. Care to try again?”

I smile at her. “Enzo Zappia.”

She rolls her eyes. “That guy sent you?”



“Seriously?” I sit back and wince as I shove the tampon even deeper into my nostril. “You and your brothers made a real mess of his daddy’s casino.”

“Boo-fucking-hoo. They have to replace some carpet. Big deal.”

“And his little brother?” I ask. “Are they supposed to replace him, too?”

“Marty was a waste of the air in his lungs,” she says. “You don’t know the whole story, Archer. His death was justified.”

“I’m not interested in justice, Lilah. I do a job and I get paid. Makes no difference to me who is right and who is wrong.” I lean forward. “Or are you going to argue that you question every job you’ve ever done?”

Her jaw flexes in frustration. “So, Enzo wants payback, huh?”

“Yes. Dante killed his brother.”

“And he wants me taken out in revenge?”

“No, he wants Elijah taken out in revenge.” Her expression shifts. “An eye for an eye. Brother for a brother. You… he just wants.”

She frowns. “Are you going after Elijah next?”

I don’t answer. I stare at her, watching with interest as the concern passes through her eyes. “Hmm…”

“What?” she asks, glaring back.
