Page 36 of VIP

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“No way! She’s a natural. You know, I bet if we asked around, we could get her on a commercial while you’re in town. Or maybe both of you could make a guest appearance in my movie, like walking down the street or something.”

Arlo narrowed his eyes. “Max…”

“Or at least get some headshots taken. You know, for when her career starts to take off.”

He growled and shook his head. “Max! I refuse to put any pressure on our baby to be a child actor.”

I crossed my arms over my chest, sulking. “I wasn’t pressuring.”

“Don’t you remember what you first told me about your parents? You said you felt like they wanted you to go into a different career, and it made you feel like you hadn’t made them proud. Your relationship with your parents suffered for years because of that. Well, I want our baby to grow up knowing she can be whoever she wants to be, and we will forever be proud of her, no matter what.”

“Of course, precious. I totally agree,” I said, pecking his lips softly. “But if that just so happened to be a career in acting…” I led.

He rolled his eyes. “Then we will go and see every single one of her films.”

I nodded like I’d won. And honestly, with an omega like Arlo at my side and the family we were building, I had won everything that truly mattered.

As we made our way back out to the street, heading for the café down the block for lunch, a group of fans called my name, waving from behind the barrier. There were always a few people gawking outside a film location, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone famous, and I made a point of taking the time to meet them when I had a few spare minutes to sign some autographs, pose for pictures. It was a big part of my job, and I wouldn’t be able to make a living without them. I had noticed, however, that the demographics of my fans had recently changed. Instead of the younger teenage crowd, I saw a lot more adults now. Either way, I was grateful.

“Do you mind?” I asked Arlo.

“Not at all,” he said, smiling. He was such an amazing man to be willing to share my attention like this, and he never showed a single ounce of jealousy. I was seriously the luckiest man alive.

I jogged ahead and greeted my fans, chatting with them. I was aware of Arlo coming up behind me, standing with Blake a short distance away, but one of my fans called out to him. “Hey, Arlo! Do you have any advice for me? I really want to be a burlesque dancer, and I’ve been taking dance classes. What’s it like working at a club? Is there anything I should know?”

My smile widened as I watched Arlo, wearing a stunned expression, walk closer. “Oh! Um… well, the dance classes are a great place to start, but I think the biggest thing is to just… own it. Like, technical skill is great, but it’s the attitude that makes a dancer stand apart. Be confident and fierce, and the crowd will follow your lead.”

“Thanks! I can do that,” the fan gushed, hands clasped at his chest, eyes glistening as he took the advice to heart.

After a few more autographs, I took Arlo’s hand and led the way to the café. “You’re incredible,” I told him for maybe the millionth time, but it would never be enough to express my awe of him.

He gave me a bashful smile before hiding his face in our daughter’s neck, and she tangled her fingers in his hair, gripping a handful of the chestnut locks. For someone so bold in the bedroom, he certainly blushed in the most beautiful way.

We had a pleasant lunch, with Blake cradled in my lap. It wouldn’t be long before she was reaching for the food on my plate. Or maybe she would be a picky eater and refuse everything but peaches. Who knew? Nobody could predict the future. I certainly hadn’t been able to predict how far off the rails my life had gone—or how much I’d needed it.

When it came time for me to get back to work, I reluctantly said goodbye. “Dinner tonight?” I asked as I set Blake back into her stroller. “You pick the restaurant.”

“Hmm, I was thinking we could eat in,” he said, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth, and in case there was any doubt about what he was implying, he cleared that right up. He looked left and right quickly to make sure no one was watching, spun the stroller around to face away from us, then stepped close and cupped a hand over my crotch. If I hadn’t already been hard, I certainly was now.

I reached down and grabbed a handful of his ass, finding some friction between our bodies. Our chemistry had always been explosive. And while the release always felt good, it was the delayed gratification that really ramped things up between us.

I was not an impulsive man by nature, but I was suddenly struck with an urge I refused to curb. “So… what do you have in mind for tomorrow? It’s my day off…”

“I remember. I haven’t really thought much about it, maybe a museum or a park.”

“Or…” I began, leaning closer so I could nibble at his neck. “Maybe we could swing by city hall?”

“City hall? What’s at…?” he asked, his suspicion being nudged aside as his eyebrows rose in realization. “We’re not having an orgy in front of city hall,” he scolded, slapping my chest lightly.

I threw my head back and laughed. “That wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

“It’s not?” His face scrunched up in confusion. “Then what?”

My heart beat firmly, an echo of Arlo’s that I could feel beneath my palm on his chest. There was nothing I wanted so much as to love this man, and to earn his love in return. Forever. “I don’t want to go even one more day without being married to the love of my life.” I brought my forehead to his, and my chest ached, feeling like my heart expanded to twice its size. “I love you so much, Arlo, and I want to marry you. Tomorrow. We’ve waited long enough.”

“Without Gran? Without your parents? We already have a date picked, a venue booked.” He wasn’t saying no…

I shrugged, my smile lopsided and full of playful charm. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them. We’ll still have another wedding for them later, but this one is just for us.” So much of our lives was splashed over the internet, total strangers scrutinizing every detail, and normally, we didn’t mind. This, though… this felt private.
