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I flush. His expression is intense, and the command sends heat through my body. Still, I obey, stepping into the ring and walking over to Porter.

"So? What did you think?"

"That was amazing," I gush, looking up at him. I mean every word of it, too. Watching him in his element has amped everything I've been feeling up to eleven. I want more of it—more watching him fight, more kisses, more touches, all of it. He's the total package. Surely the age thing isn't that big of a deal. Porter is huge, domineering, and clearly dangerous in all possible ways. Every bit of it turns me on.

Porter chuckles, taking off the boxing gloves. "Good."

He comes toward me and takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting my face up to his, making my breath catch in my throat. For a moment I'm sure he's going to kiss me, but then a machine clangs somewhere in the gym, and he's swiftly reminded of where exactly we are.

And how making out with your student in the middle of the boxing ring probably isn't the best look for a business owner.

"Come on," he says. "We can finish your lesson, and then we can grab lunch."

I blink. "Together?"

Porter rolls his eyes. "Yeah, Bailey. Together."

"Okay." I beam.

He wraps up his knuckles, and we fall back into the rhythm. He corrects my stance, and our bodies brush together. Porter is hot and sweaty, his muscles flexing with every movement, and God, it's sexy as hell.

After a half hour of punching the bag, I'm panting and sweating too, but Porter's expression is approving. "You're a quick study," he praises, and pleasure makes my cheeks flush. “Let's do a round in the ring. Just a little one."

I can't say no. "Okay. If you think I’m ready."

I climb up, and Porter follows after me. We settle across from each other, and he tosses me a pair of light, padded gloves. I put them on and watch him closely.

"Keep your guard up, Bailey."

Then, he strikes. Porter is fast, his fist blurring towards me. I block it, and even though there’s no force in the impact, the surprise makes me stumble. But Porter catches my forearm, steadying me.

"Try to aim for my gut. It'll be harder for me to deflect there, and you'll knock the wind out of me."

I nod, and I'm listening, but at the same time, I'm distracted. His touch, even through the padding, feels electric, and his closeness is intoxicating. He's so much larger than me, and the disparity between us makes arousal pool in my stomach.

This time, I'm the one who strikes first.

Porter blocks, and then his fist comes towards me. He's going easy on me, and I know he isn't really going to hurt me, but I'm still surprised at how lightning-fast he is. He deflects my blow, and before I can process what's happened, I'm flat on my back, with Porter hovering over me.

His arm is braced on the ground cupping my head, and his other hand is curled around my hip, his grip tight.

"That wasn’t fair," I complain, breathless.

He grins, half of his mouth pulling up—cocky, self-assured. His big body is plastered against mine, but we're both fully dressed and in public. It's torture for both of us, I think, not being able to take things further.

"You did good, baby," he murmurs.

"I was distracted…again,” I whisper back.

Porter's gaze darkens with the knowledge that it’s him making me unable to focus. "Yeah, but you still did well." Looking like it takes all of his willpower to do so, Porter helps me to my feet, and we both take our gloves off. "Next time I'm going to have you in here with my female trainer, Mel. That way you won't be distracted, and I can see the way you move from outside of the ring. It will give me a better visual."

I blush at the thought of Porter watching me intensely while I learn how to fight and probably get my ass kicked by this Mel. "That sounds…fun."

Porter huffs in amusement, following my line of thought. “Don’t worry. Mel is one of the best teachers we have. She’s patient. It will be good for you. But for now, go get changed. You've earned lunch, and I'm starving,"

Porter jumps down, and I follow after, my head spinning. Everything seems to be moving so quickly, and we've gone from zero to a hundred in a matter of days. Is this just casual to him? Does he feel the same way that I do? My emotions are all over the place, but even when I try to think logically, my brain goes back to him.

Porter. Porter. Porter. How can I focus when every single thing about him draws me in?
