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I head back towards the locker rooms, trying not to panic. This is moving so fast, and I've never felt like this before. I change as quickly as I can, my mind racing. When I emerge from the locker room, Porter is waiting for me. His expression is closed off, and I wonder what he's thinking. As soon as he sees me, though, his face clears. He takes in what I'm wearing and nods approvingly. "Good. Your clothes look comfortable enough.'

I blink a few times. "Comfortable enough for what?"

"Our lunch hike."

"A hike?"

Porter nods. "Yeah. There's a gorgeous view a little over an hour away. Starved Rock State Park. I've even got a lunch packed for us when we get to the midpoint of the trail. What do you think?"

"That sounds...amazing."

"Good." Porter's voice is a low rumble. "Let's go, then."

He leads me out, and we head over to his truck. As soon as we're on the road, his hand moves over to my leg, and I smile, letting my anxieties fall away for the time being. This all just feels so right. I have plenty of time to worry later.

* * *

It's a beautiful drive. The park is a bit away, but Porter drives along a country road, and it's gorgeous. I relax against the seat, letting the music wash over me. Porter's hand is still on my thigh, and every so often, he will squeeze gently or trace his fingertips up and down my skin, making me shiver.

Eventually, he pulls into a parking lot, and we hop out. The sky is clear, and I take a deep breath.

"Let's go." Porter grabs a backpack from the trunk. It's a big blue hiking pack, and the sight makes me smile.

"You had this planned all along, huh?"

"Uh-huh," he confirms. "Everything has gone according to plan except me having to pull that asshole off you, but that will be the last time that ever happens."

We fall into an easy rhythm as our feet hit the trail, and I’m relieved to discover that I’m not nearly as out of shape as I thought. "Why would you plan all of this?"

"Because you need a little adventure in your life, Bailey."

"Adventure," I huff, following him towards a curve in the path. "I've never been adventurous."

"Sure you have," Porter disagrees. "You took a boxing class, and now here you are, miles from home on a hike. You've just needed the right motivation."

“Hmm.” I narrow my eyes, looking over at him and the way his skin seems to glow out here. "Is that why you asked me to go hiking with you?"

Porter pauses. He looks up at the trees above our heads and turns to face me. His expression is serious. "No, it's not. I brought you here because I wanted to spend more time with you, and I like seeing you out of your element. You're fucking cute when you're trying new things."

I blush. "You talk like we’ve known each other for years or something.”

"I'm not the most romantic guy," he continues, "and I don't have the patience to play games. So I'm just going to be straight with you, Bailey. I want to date you."

I stop dead in my tracks.

Porter wants to date me.

Porter wants to date ME.

I swallow hard. "You want to do what?"

He frowns. "What? Didn't I make that clear? I want you, Bailey. All of you.”

"Oh.” I inhale slowly, trying to make sense of the world now that it seems to have been turned upside down. “All of me…I think I’d like that.”

His cocky, half-smile is back. "Good. But listen, I'm not interested in a fling or a one-night stand. I'm all in, Bailey."

I swallow. Everything inside of me is screaming yes, but another part of me is hesitant. Porter is so much older than me. He's experienced. He's probably seen the world and done so many things. And I've done...well, nothing, really.
