Page 12 of Rough Score

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“No,” she says again.

“Then you have nothing stopping you.”

“Except that this is nuts. You don’t just marry random people you met in the parking lot of a sports stadium in the middle of the night,” she says into the cold parking lot.

“I know this is a little unorthodox but you and I both need something from this. I’ll get you the five-year contract and all you have to do is stay married to me until the day we can divorce. We both walk away with something we want.”

“What about your fan girls? What do you boys call them?” she asks with a sharp brow to provoke an answer.

I wasn’t born yesterday. I might have taken several puck shots to the head in my long career but I’m at least I have enough brain cells to know enough not to walk into that.

I understand what she’s aiming for and answering that question is the best way to get a “No thanks” from her.

“They’re just fans,” I tell her, sliding my hands into my pockets.

She smirks up at me like she knows I’m dodging the question strategically. She’s smart, and she doesn’t give a shit that I’m a hockey player. In fact, I think she might hold it against me… and I like her even more for it.

That makes her the exact woman I need for this.

Besides, it’s been over a decade since I messed around with a puck bunny.

Most of the women I see now are people I meet organically outside of my Hawkeyes uniform. Most of those relationships fizzle out quickly too. My travel schedule and the fact that I live in Seattle during the season, and Canada during the off-season, creates a quick issue that ends the relationship before it even starts.

“Don’t you have a DM list full of women who would love to be Mrs. Haynes?”

“I don’t date women in my DM’s. And a woman wanting to marry me because of what I do for a living is the exact person I’m trying to avoid. I need an arrangement with someone who understands this is temporary and is getting an equal benefit for our two-year marriage.”

We finally reach her car and she stops. I reach for the door to open the driver's side for her.

She looks up at me, a little surprised by my act of chivalry. I was raised to open doors and pull out chairs for women but for some reason, the act takes her off guard.

What kind of relationships has she had if a man opening the door for her is unexpected? My curiosity about Juliet is growing. I want to get to know her and I might just get the chance if she’ll agree to marry me.

“What’s it worth to you to get your brother into that facility?” I ask, giving it my last shot to provide enough motive for her to take the leap with me.

My choice of wording could come off a little aggressive but the stakes here are high for both of us.

She stares up at me for a moment.

“I need to think about it.”

I nod. “How about if you come to the home game in a couple of days and give me your answer then?”

“Isn’t that Valentine’s Day?” she asks.

“Yeah. Do you have other plans?”

She said she doesn’t have a boyfriend but a woman this beautiful doesn’t spend Valentine’s Day alone.

“I guess not,” she says, biting down on the inside of her cheek like she’s trying to think of an excuse.

“Well, now you do… with me,” I say, attempting to be charming while not creeping her out.

“And what if my answer is no to the arrangement?” she asks.

“Then I’ll still take you out for a drink after the game. How about that?”

She rubs her red lips together as she debates her answer, her eyes glancing back at the stadium for a second.
