Page 120 of Rough Score

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I look back over at the receptionist who pushes my card back over the counter.

“You might hear from my agent, James Potter, now and again to add more funds to the account. Thank you for your help today.”

She smiles and nods. “No problem. I’m sure Juliet and Theresa will be very pleased with the credit on the account.”

Linda looks and the receptionist and then me, one eyebrow lifted as she tries to determine who I am.

“Have a good day,” I say to both of them and then head toward the exit.

I pull out my phone and dial James’s number.

“Haynes, please tell me that you’re calling with good news. I’ve been calling all my contacts trying to find a lawyer that can help us fight this.”

I called James first thing this morning while I was getting Juliet's coffee down the street and professed my anger over my circumstances. At the end of the day though, I made the choice to go through with this scheme and I’m the one that told Amelia what I did while her phone was rolling.

As much as I’d like to blame this all on James, the decision to go through with the fiancé visa and propose the idea to Juliet was mine and mine alone. Though I can still hang the missing check over his head for a lifetime… and I plan on it.

“It’s over James, let it go. But you owe me and I’m cashing it in now.”

“Anything. What is it?”

“The Vikings need a new head coach I want you to negotiate my contract—don’t fuck this up for me,” I tell him.

“I won’t. I swear,” he says.

“And I need you to look after Juliet. Anything she needs. You have access to the funds you need from me to make it happen. Don’t question anything she asks for… that’s not your job. Whatever she needs or wants, you’ll make good on it.”

James has the ability to sign off on my behalf for certain things and has access to funds that I’ve always kept in a joint escrow account.

He makes sure my leases are paid for, checks get mailed to charities I donate to, and pays other administration fees and fines handed down from the hockey associations that I’m a member of as part of the NHL.

“I need you to transfer the Penthouse lease into Juliet Di Costa’s name and ensure the payment is made every month.”

I may not be around to take care of her, but I have enough money to make sure she lives comfortably.

“For how long?”

“Indefinitely. Or for as long as she’ll agree to stay.”

“Got it,” he says, I can hear the scratching of the pencil against a pad of paper.

He’s writing this down and taking it seriously.

“Anything else?” he asks.

“Yeah. Get Juliet’s mom, Theresa, into the Occupational Therapy Assistant course at WU and make sure that she has everything she needs.”

“I’ve got this all down and I will get this all done today, you have my word.”

“And James…?”


“Do this shit all yourself.”

“You got it, Haynes. I’ll call The Commons first and get the ball rolling on the lease change.”

