Page 22 of Rough Score

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“Mom, I know… I’m sorry that happened to you, but this isn’t real. I just have to pretend until he can get permanent status and then we’ll divorce.”

“I won’t give you my blessing to destroy your best years Juju Bean… I won’t. We’ll find another way to get Jerrin more help but not like this. I’ll take more shifts at the hospital.”

“You’re already overworked as it is.”

“This discussion is over,” she says, standing out of her chair instantly and picks up her plate.

She stomps out of the kitchen and into the small living room just past the kitchen.

I don’t have to look to know that she’s sitting on the couch in front of the TV with her wooden tray table out in front of her.

This is how she eats when she’s home alone for dinner.

She and I eat in separate rooms with only the sound of Jeopardy reruns filling the void between us.

I finish my plate of food, rinse off the dirty dishes and load them in the dishwasher. Then I walk out to the living room to say goodnight.

She doesn’t look up at me.

I know she isn’t mad at me. I made her relive a painful part of her history that she tries to forget.

I walk over to the couch and lean down, setting my lips against the top of her head and kiss her.

“I love you, mom. I’ll call you tomorrow,” I say softly, leaning back up.

I head for the door, not far from the living room and as I turn the handle on her apartment door, I hear her voice.

“Text me when you get home safe Juliet,”

Then I walk out the door and close it behind me.

I wish she would have given me her blessing. The weight of a decision this big would have become a little lighter if my mother could have assured me that this was the right thing to do for my brother. Now, being at odds with her makes this decision harder, but not impossible.

Her past with my father is clouding her ability to see this clearly for what it is. A chance to give my brother a more full life with more opportunities for independence, however small it might be.

I prepare myself for the decision that has to be made for Jerrin’s sake. Tomorrow at the hockey game, I’ll give Ryker my answer.

Chapter Six


Why is this reaction not shocking? I know well enough at this point not to engage with her when she’s on an emoji bender. I’d better save my energy for the bombarded questions I’ll get while we shop.

Freaking emojis. Shawnie has a bet with herself for how far she can carry on a conversation in all emojis. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if emojis were deleted from the keyboards across all operating systems.

I meet Shawnie at our usual spot—the coffee shop near the mall’s entrance. While we wait, I spill the entire parking lot story on her, not missing a single detail… because she needs all the facts if she’s going to answer the question I’ve been struggling with.

Even though Shawnie and I differ in many ways, when it comes to advice, no one gives it as straightforwardly as she does. And no one knows me better than she does, either—not even my own mother.

“So that’s his offer — a marriage of convenience with a two-year commitment with no strings at the end. Do you think I’m crazy for considering it?” I ask, even though I don’t know what I’d do if she says yes since I’ve come to terms with the fact that this is my best bet.

“Uh… do I think you’re crazy for considering marrying a drop-dead gorgeous hockey player and living in his penthouse for the next two years while you secure the biggest account Elite Events has ever had? Let me think about it,” she says, dramatically putting her index finger to her chin. “No! I think you’re crazy for not agreeing the second he pitched you the idea.”

Of course, she would be on board with this— it's right up her alley. And if she hadn’t just started dating her perfect match, she would probably offer to take my place.

“Marriage is kind of a big deal, and did you miss the part where I could get in trouble if this whole thing goes wrong?”

“No. But I did miss the part where you have to pay back the thirty-five thousand in sexual favors. I would love to know that part of the agreement… in greater detail,” she says, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

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