Page 74 of Hidden Traitors

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The small graveside service and wake at Madigan’s that followed was the perfect send off for Royce Madigan. All the guys, their women, and most of the Madigan's staff paid their respects before quietly moving on with their day.

Skyla did her best to put up a strong facade, and swiped away the stubborn tears that kept sneaking up on her. Blake stayed at her side the entire time, and in the days that followed. He even came with her when she met with her father’s estate attorney. Not surprisingly, she’d gotten the house and Madigan’s.

“I want to sell the house,” Skyla said later that night. “It never felt like a home after Mom died, and now that Dad is gone too, I don’t see myself living there again.” She’d been staying with Blake ever since her kidnapping, mostly at his insistence. She kept having nightmares, and he didn’t want her to wake up scared and alone in the middle of the night.

“Okay,” Blake said. “What can I do to help?”

Skyla shook her head. “Nothing. I just - sometimes it doesn’t feel like this is my life, you know? Like I have to say things out loud, or I’m left wondering if this is real, or some weird nightmare I can’t seem to wake up from.”

They were standing in his living room, and Blake wrapped an arm around her. “I'm so sorry you’re going through all this. You know I’m here for you, and you can always talk to me about anything. I’m happy to be your sounding board or reality check, or both, for as long as you need.”

“Good. Because there is one other thing, I need to tell you. I keep waiting for the right time, but I’ve known for a little over a week now, and I don’t think there will ever be a right time.”

“Anything. You can tell me anything, and I’ll be here for you. Always.”

“I’m pregnant.” The words fell from her lips, void of any emotion. She wasn’t sure how Blake would react, and she was afraid to get her hopes up. She had plenty of money to take care of this baby on her own, but that didn’t mean she didn’t want Blake in her life. In this baby’s life.

Blake’s gaze went wide and crashed into hers. His baby blues reflected panic, then it turned into something else she couldn’t quite figure out. But it was his silence that was getting to her. “If you don’t want it, or if you aren’t ready -”

She was cut off by him crushing her to him. Not hard, but firmly enough to let her know he meant it. “I’m not ready. And until about ten seconds ago, I probably wouldn’t have chosen it. But I want you. I love you. And this -” he pulled back just enough to where he could place his finger on her stomach. The tenderness in his touch was so obvious and loving. “ - this is the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me, since finding you. I love you, Skyla. I can’t believe we’re going to have a baby!” He lifted her and swung her around in a circle, smiling ear to ear, nearly shouting the words in excitement.

For the first time in a long time, Skyla felt true and utter relief. “A baby,” she said softly as he set her back down to the floor.

“You know if it’s a boy, he’s going to play football,” Blake said, all serious now.

Skyla wrinkled her nose. “We’ll see.” She wasn’t a fan of possible concussions and broken bones. “What if it’s a girl -” she started to say, but there was a knock at the door.

Skyla tensed in Blake’s arms. He gently rubbed her shoulders. “Easy, It’s just our friends. They texted me at the last minute and I didn’t think you’d mind. Should we tell them?”

Skyla smiled, loving the excitement in his voice. She was pretty early in the first trimester, but keeping this a secret for much longer just didn’t seem possible. Still, she wanted to keep it just between them, a little while longer. “Yes. But not today.”

Blake nodded. “Agreed.” He opened the door to reveal Caden and Hallie, Luke and Orly, Tanner, Martin, and Garrett standing there holding various take-out bags from around the city, and a large sheet cake with heaps of colorful frosting.

“We weren’t sure what you liked, except for the cake, so we got a little of everything,” Martin said.

They filed into the apartment, making their way to the kitchen to set all the food down on the counter. “I don’t understand,” Skyla said, looking from Blake to the guys and back to Blake. “What’s going on?”

“It’s something we do for each other when one of us has been hurt. We did it when Luke came home from the hospital after being held hostage by a biker gang. When Caden got hurt in that church explosion. And when I was shot,” Blake explained.

“It’s our way of showing you that we’re here for you,” Luke said.

“That you’re one of us,” Caden added.

“That you’re not alone,” Garrett finished.

Skyla was on the verge of tears, whether due to hormones or from the kindness of her friends, or possibly both., she wasn’t sure. Blake pulled her into his arms. “Everything they said is true, but if you’d rather it be just you and me tonight, say the word, and I’ll kick them all out.”

Skyla laughed. “No, I just - this is so sweet of you all to come by, and do this for me. I wasn’t even hurt or shot though.” She turned to Hallie. “If anything, we should all be going over to your house.” Hallie was the one that had been stabbed over and over again.

Hallie smiled. She was still taking a low dose of her pain medications at night to help her sleep, but her friend was slowly starting to come back to herself. “This is for me, too.”

“And for me,” Orly added.

“Caden just figured we’d stick Blake with the cleanup,” Hallie said.

“Whatever,” Blake faked a groan.

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