Page 48 of The Ones We Hate

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When the last of Piper’s orgasm finally left her limp and lifeless, she pulled the vibrator away from her sensitive flesh and rolled off Leo. And there they stayed for an inordinate amount of time, staring up at the ceiling, not speaking, and breathing like they’d both gotten the wind knocked out of them.

Nothing had ever felt so terrifying. The replays of the way they had locked eyes when they both released solved nothing. The memory of how Leo had called her pretty sent Piper’s heart treacherously fluttering. This was supposed to be nothing but sex, and really good sex at that, but she couldn’t help the nagging panic rising in her that said that wasn’t at all what they had just done. Maybe she was a coward, but she didn’t want to risk a glance in Leo’s direction to find he didn’t feel anything remotely as groundbreaking, so she rolled onto her side with her back turned to him, burrowed under the bedding, and shut her eyes.

The pretense of sleep did nothing to quell how hyperaware Piper was when she felt the bed dip and lift beside her, but she kept her eyes shut even as she heard the padding of Leo’s footfalls against the carpeted floors, the distinct sound of a zipper, and the front door shutting. She shouldn’t feel hurt that he had left her bed immediately after, and yet, she did. It was just one more reason to hate him. He’d literally left the room to get away from her. And so, she stewed for a few minutes, got up to use the bathroom, then angrily got back in bed, chastising herself for sleeping with the enemy until the bed dipped beside her again.

“Hey,” Leo whispered. “Are you awake?“

Confused, Piper rolled onto her side and slowly opened her eyes to Leo holding up a cheap clear waste bin liner filled with ice. She sat up, pulled the covers with her, and blinked back into existence, her body still worn and naked.

“You got me ice for my…?”

“Ankle, princesita.” Leo smirked. “You didn’t think this was for your—”

“No! Of course not.” She yanked the bag out of his hand, wiggled her foot out from under the covers, and carefully set the ice on it. The shock of the draft coupled with the ice made her even more awake. Alert enough to see Leo strip off his pants and go for his underwear. “What are you doing?”

“What’s it look like I’m doing?” Leo scoffed. “I’m taking my clothes back off.”


“I sleep naked.” It was simple enough, and yet she found she couldn’t help but stare at all of his rippling muscles as he shed his clothes again. “I figured we’ve already done the worst, so sleeping next to each other won’t be a huge deal. I’d rather not waste what little time I have left to sleep figuring out a way to not be violated by the springs of that couch.”

“Right,” she agreed. It was a sound argument. “I guess good night, then?”

“Night.” Leo slipped under the covers, rolling onto his side.

Piper gave her ankle another minute or two under the ice before she set the bag to the side and settled in. The heat from Leo’s body made her want to curl into him, but she refrained, forcefully shutting her eyes.



Light poured in from the window, and Leo rolled over, finding only empty sheets next to him. He wasn’t surprised. This wasn’t a lay in bed naked all morning cuddling kind of affair. This was a one and done. Sure, they had slept in the same bed, but he wasn’t about to assume that meant anything. Nor would he read into the fact that Piper had ended up spooning his backside in a sleepy haze, and he’d somehow ended up facing her and pulling her into his chest. It was still freezing in the room, so he wagered they’d both needed the warmth to avoid hypothermia.

When Piper wasn’t using every available breath she had to bite his head off or playing into the world’s desperate need for perfection, Leo thought she was kind of cute. She smiled in her sleep, and it wasn’t the peppy sunshine-and-rainbows smile she slapped on her face to fake perfection. This was a sated smile, one she seemed unaware she was making. Satisfaction. He had given that to her. She had finally released her good-girl bullshit for long enough to make him crawl to her. Piper thought she had been in control last night, but Leo had held her every sigh of pleasure in his hands and his mouth. Making her say every single thing she wanted and delivering on her every desire gave him a strange sense of dominance. And maybe she was a little right about how much he craved power. Piper, on the other hand, had confirmed that a lot of her personality was an act last night, and he was never going to let her live it down. Thinking about fucking with her already had his cock standing on end again.

The next time Piper said something sickeningly sweet to someone or pretended to be innocent, Leo would be there to remind her that she had demanded his fingers to do obscene things to her body. She had tied his wrists together with her underwear so he couldn’t move other than to lift his hips to go deeper.

The shower was running, so Leo figured now was as good a time as any to fix the quickly-hardening problem between his legs. How he had any energy left was a mystery considering when Piper had fallen asleep beside him, it was already four a.m., and he’d fallen asleep much later. He would never admit to himself that he’d spent most of the time he should have been sleeping replaying every touch and glancing at the dozing heap next to him. Leo adjusted the pillows at the headboard and stroked himself twice, closing his eyes. The images from the night before flashed through his head yet again. He could almost hear Piper moaning in his ears, so breathless and pissed off that he could pretend it was real.

“Oh, God, yes!”

Leo’s eyes snapped open, his cock still encircled by his needy fingers. Then he heard another moan. The sound was real, and it was coming directly from the bathroom. He knew those noises—some of them were going to be permanently etched in his brain. She had to know he could hear her. Maybe she wanted him to hear. Without another thought, Leo jumped off the bed and barged into the bathroom. Piper’s body was hazy behind the glass shower pane, the steam billowing out into the room through the open door, but he could see where her hand was well enough, in between her legs. The other hand was pressed into the glass as if she had to physically hold herself up while she touched herself.

“Leo? What the hell?” Piper squeaked, covering herself with both hands. Leo flipped around so his bare ass was turned to her, breathing like the wall of steam he’d hit on the way in had knocked the wind out of him.

“You’re thinking about me, aren’t you?” The words came out rough as sandpaper.

“What? No, I’m not!” Panic laced Piper’s voice, and it was several octaves higher than normal, coming out in soprano when after hours of having to listen to her, Leo knew she was a mezzo.

“Don’t lie, princesita,” he crooned. The idea of her thinking about him while she touched herself in the shower had him so turned on that he couldn’t even pretend to not be. “If you’re going to think about me, I might as well be here for it. You didn’t lock the door. Can I turn around now?”

“It’s ‘may I turn around now,’” Piper huffed.

“Déjame,” Leo bit off. Let me seemed more appropriate because he flat-out refused to do a damned thing she didn’t ask for.

The water hitting the tiles was the only sound for several long seconds, and he imagined it running off her slick breasts before hitting the floor. Then Piper finally spoke.

“Turn around,” she whispered. He slowly turned over one shoulder and peered through the glass at her before shutting the door behind him to let the humidity build up again. She had swiped her hand over the glass so there was a window into the shower that let him see her clear as day. Her piercing blue eyes bore into his, and her long, wet eyelashes fluttered as she flicked her gaze down to his erection. A smirk tilted her mouth. “Maybe you’re the one thinking of me.”
