Page 22 of Shawland Security

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Chapter 8


Chris pulls up outside of Aria's parents’ house. It's just down the street from our parents’ house. We'll fill them in after we leave here. They don't need to hear this in the news, and they don't need to worry about Shawland Security’s involvement. Aria was like a daughter to my parents as well. It’s just so sad that so many lives have been affected because of one crazy nutjob. If it was left to me, I would put all these fuckers in a cell, starve them of everything they need and watch as they take their last breath.

“You good?”

I shrug.

Who would have thought someone from this neighborhood would get the news I’m about to give? The worst I can remember happening here was old Jessie dying in her house and no one noticing for three weeks. My parents brought us up here, because it was a nice neighborhood. Chicago might have a high crime rate, but out here is like a different world; it’s peaceful. Family-orientated. Calm. Everything you need to raise a family.

"Let's go," I say.

Chris and I exit the truck and make our way up the familiar driveway. It never changes. It’s as I see it whenever I pass – a family home, full of flowers and love. I'm about to shatter this household in the blink of an eye.

I ring the doorbell and secretly hope I'm standing on a trap door. Falling into a dark abyss would be better than what's about to come.

"Hi. Oh my God. Caleb, it's so good to see you." Jackie, Aria's mom takes me into her arms. “It’s been such a long time since you graced my doorstep.”

"Hi, Jackie. Is Rick around?"

"Yes, he's just home. What's wrong?"

"Can we come in?" I point over my shoulder to Chris.

"Of course.” She frowns, stepping aside to let us in.

We walk through the hallway. It's like time has stopped over the years. I spent just as much time here as I did at my own home when I was a kid. Nothing has changed. Not in my mind, anyway.

"Is everything okay?"

"Erm... "

"Caleb." Rick enters the dining room and holds his hand out to me. “It's good to see you, son. I was just asking your dad how you were last night. "

"I'm not going to pussyfoot around here. I have something to tell you both and I need you to hear me out before you say anything." I swallow hard.

"You're scaring me, Caleb. What is it? "

I gesture for Jackie and Rick to sit down, and Chris and I follow them. I take Jackie's hand in mine and take in a few deep breaths. Talking to families is one thing, but when it’s a family you know and love, it’s torture.

"It's Aria. I see it in your eyes. What is it? What’s happened?"

I sigh. "It is about Aria. A week ago, my ex-partner from CPD turned up in my compound. He asked me if I knew Aria. To cut to the chase, Aria was found wandering around woodlands nearby. She…” I bite back the bile in my throat, because it never gets easier to discuss. Chris obviously senses my distress and squeezes my shoulder.

“Woodlands? I don’t understand. Has something happened in Africa?” asks Jackie. “She was there the last time we heard from her, right, Rick?”

Jackie looks to her husband for reassurance, but Rick looks confused and holds his hand up for his wife to calm down.

I find courage to carry on. I focus on a pattern covering Jackie’s scarf. “Aria was found close by. She was kidnapped and held hostage.”

"What?" Rick pushes his chair back, but I hold my hands up to stop him.

"Please, let me finish.”

Rick nods. He walks over to the decanter and pours himself a neat drink. I don’t blame him. The shock is enough to kill someone. I’m still getting my head around it all.

“Twelve months ago, Aria came home to surprise you all. When she left the airport here in Chicago, she was captured and held hostage. She's okay. Well. She’s… she's at my house. She has been for the last week. She doesn't want to see anyone just yet, but the press is close to finding out who the girl was that the police found alive. "
