Page 39 of Shawland Security

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“I’m nearly sixteen weeks now. Some people say they feel movement from fourteen weeks. This is the first time I’ve felt anything though.”

“I take it he likes waking up to my hand.” Caleb winks at me and pulls my back into his chest.

I like waking up to his hand on my tummy, but I’m too frightened to say that out loud.

“Can we go for a walk today? I used to like walking around the lake.”

“We can do anything you like, but first, you’re going to eat something.”

“Sounds good.”

“You get a shower and take your time. I’ll sort us breakfast since you did dinner.” He kisses my head and gets out of bed.

“I’d hardly say heating up a meal is cooking.” I laugh.

“Heating up a meal is cooking. Brr! Wrap up warm. It’s chilly in here.” He pulls on a hoody and leaves the room we both slept soundly in.

I know how chilly it is, because from the moment he left the bed, I felt cool air hit my back.

Whenever he’s around I feel warmer… inside and out.


After breakfast, I put on my boots, hat, scarf, and gloves. It’s cold, but it’s good to feel the air on my skin. I sit on the steps of the cabin while Caleb goes in to get his wallet and cell. If I close my eyes, I can escape back into the past. I can escape to the good old times. The memories. The love. The friendships. I’ve never felt as happy as I did when I grew up with Caleb and his brothers.

“Mom, he’s wearing my hoody again,” shouts Caleb from the porch we’re sitting on.

Clay always knows how to bug Caleb. It’s like he lives for the moment to have his brother wound up like a coil, ready to snap.

“Clay, give your brother back his hoody. He wants to wear it.”

“He’s got one on. He’s just being an ass.”

“Watch your mouth, young man.”

I can’t contain my laughter. It’s always fun to sit back and watch the shenanigans unfold in the Shawland household. Chris is the quietest of the trio, but I love him just the same. I can have some deep, meaningful conversations with him when the other two are being a pain in my ass.

Clay flops down on the step beside me and throws his arm around my shoulders.

“What do you say we go fishing, sweet cheeks? You up for it, bro?”

Caleb shrugs. “You going to stop being a dick?”

“Now, that I can’t promise.”

I laugh and stand up. “You two get worse. Surely you should grow up as you get older. Get your butts moving. We’re going fishing. I warn you both now, I will push you in the lake if you try any crazy stunts.”

Caleb stands up and follows me to the shed. “You won’t push me in the lake, will you, sweetheart? It’s too cold for that shit. I’ll end up with blue balls.”

I nudge him in the ribs and buckle over laughing.

“Ready?” Caleb squeezes my shoulder and I jump up a little too quickly.


“You okay?” Caleb dips his head to the side and makes me look at him.

I nod. “I was just reminiscing. I’m good.”
