Page 56 of Shawland Security

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Chapter 22


Since Caleb told me all about Al’s visit yesterday, I’ve had a lot of time to think things over, and that’s what brings me to the Headquarters of Women Matters today. I feel like I need to take back some control over my life. I’m clutching at straws, hoping, wishing, that everything will return to normal without me doing a single thing, but that’s not going to happen. I used to live by this mantra, ‘Only you can change your life. Nothing and no one can change it for you.’ I’ve been lost for so long that I forgot about the things I believe in.

I need to prepare myself that the police will eventually stop working this case completely, and it’ll then become a cold case. I know these things happen. I’ve seen it on the television. I just never expected to become one.

When I said to Clay this morning that I wanted to take this next step, he set up the meeting for me. Caleb, Clay, and Chris have come along, and Clay told me that this charity means a lot to them all. It’s something they’ll do anything to help or protect.

“How are you feeling?” asks Caleb, as he clutches my hand.

My whole body is trembling, but I know I need to be here. I need to be doing this. I need to take the first step into the future before the baby arrives. “I’m nervous.”

Caleb pushes open a door and we enter a large room that looks like a living room. Women and children are in different groups. Some laughing, some staring into space, and some doing neither. I cast my eye over every individual person. It’s heartbreaking to know that each of these women have been abused in some way. Some are barely into adulthood.

“Aria.” Clay touches my arm gently and I jump. “This is Darryl. He’s the founder of this charity, and this is Jessica, his wife.”

Darryl holds his hand out for me to shake and I look at it for a moment before I lift my hand to shake his.

“It’s nice to meet you, Aria. I’m glad you’ve decided to come and see us here, get a feel for what we do, and maybe we can help you too.”

“Why don’t I give Aria a tour while you guys catch up?” asks Jessica.

Caleb turns to me and tucks my hair behind my ear. “Is that okay? I can come with you if you like?”

“No one can get in here, can they?”

Before Caleb can speak, Darryl takes my hand and walks us through to another room. It has wall to wall television screens, each showing a different view of the large house, gardens, and any surrounding area.

“This is Martha.” Darryl pats her shoulders.

Martha is huge. She’s like a big bear. She smiles in my direction and I smile weakly back.

“Martha is our security guard around here. Nothing and no one will ever get past her. No one can get into the grounds without us knowing,” Darryl reassures me.

“It’s just like at the compound, sweetheart. We installed the security equipment here.” Caleb squeezes my hand and I nod.

“Okay. I’d like to go with Jessica. Where will I find you two?” I point to Caleb and Clay.

“We’ll just be in the office with Darryl.”

Caleb places a soft kiss on my forehead, and I follow Jessica back out into the room I assume is a living room.

“Have all of these women been abused?” I ask bluntly.

Jessica nods. “Unfortunately, yes. It’s more common than we originally thought. When I found Women Matters, I felt embarrassed. Dirty. Broken. I didn’t realize that statistics were so high, and each year they keep rising. Last year alone, rape victims increased by 42%. Over three thousand of those victims were fifteen years and under.”

“Wow. That’s crazy. Do you get a lot of victims walking through here?”

“At the moment, we have forty women living here. We have over two hundred women on our records, but we have several locations throughout America. Thanks to the Shawlands, our charity is now on the rise because we are recognized by police and rape centers. We get recommended to their victims daily. Families come here because we can recognize what they need help with.”

We walk out of this room and down a long corridor. There are several rooms on each side of the corridor.

“Did you start this charity because you were a victim?”

Jessica shakes her head. “I was one of the first victims to walk through those doors.” She points behind us. “Darryl was amazing. From the first moment he saw me shaking on his doorstep, he was like my protector. My savior. We’ve been married six years now. We have a little girl who is four. Life is good. I see a lot of myself in you, Aria. And I want to be here for you, if you’ll let me. I’ve heard a lot about you from Clay when he stopped by to get help on how to assist you.”

“I’m trying so hard to be the person I once was, but I think I’m losing that battle.”
