Page 57 of Shawland Security

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Jessica nods. “Why don’t you stop trying to be the person you once were? Find the person you want to be now. Look, I’m not saying the next six months are going to be a walk in the park. You know this from the work you’ve done over the years, but with the right help and support, it can be better.”

I nod. I know what everyone is saying. I understand it all. It’s just not in my nature to depend on people, but I take in a deep breath and say, “What kind of things would I need to do here?”

Jessica smiles warmly at me and links her arm with mine. “Each of these rooms are private rooms. Counselling sessions, art, drama, group sessions all go on in these rooms. I take it you’re quite happy to be living with Caleb?”

I feel my cheeks flush, but I nod again. “Yes. Caleb and Clay have been a Godsend to me. I couldn’t do any of this without them.”

“Okay. So, we could start you off with some therapy sessions. You can come in and talk to one of our psychologists. We can get a feel for some of the areas you’re struggling with. Let’s say that’s family issues. We can talk with you and your family together, separately, whatever. As long as it helps you in the long run, we’ll do it.”

“Do I have to come here to do these sessions?”

Jessica looks at me carefully and tilts her head. “Why don’t you come here twice a week for now, and I’ll get your therapist to visit you at home once a week? I’m saying that, because I think being around other people in your shoes will be beneficial. Lots of women who come to us as the victim are now here helping others.”

“Okay.” I shrug. I have nothing to lose by trying this. “Sign me up. Tell me when I need to be here, and I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”

“I’ll remind you that you said that.” Jessica laughs.

I have a funny feeling that I’m going to like Jessica. I’m usually a good judge of character, and there’s something about her that warms me.

Compared to where I was last week, I feel more positive about the future. If this place helps me feel like that forever, then I’ll do anything I need to.
