Page 58 of Shawland Security

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Chapter 23


I sit down opposite Darryl and fold my leg over my knee. This house is so calm and peaceful. I’ve never walked in here and felt anything but peace. I know that sounds crazy considering what all the women have been through, but there is something about this place.

“How’s it going with the case?”

I shake my head and sigh. “It isn’t. The police have passed it over to SVU. However, since Aria found out about that last night, she’s changed. Her outlook is different. She’s here. A couple of weeks ago she was adamant she didn’t want to talk about anything to anyone, other than me and Clay. She’s still not sure around Chris, but I think that’s because of his build and quietness.”

“I don’t mind, Caleb. I’ll make it my mission to make her feel more comfortable around me. It’s no big deal,” says Chris.

I know my brother, and I know this won’t bother him, but they’re issues we need to discuss and work through. We won’t get anywhere if we brush important things under the carpet.

“The fact that she’s here is a bonus,” says Clay. “There is only so much we can do. We’re not professionals in counselling.”

“I’m going to put something to you all, and I don’t know how you’ll feel about it. Caleb, I don’t think you’ll need it after being in the police force, but it might help Clay and Chris.”

“What is it? I’ll try anything,” says Clay.

“We offer a therapy session for loved ones, relatives, and friends. It helps them to get a better understanding of what the victim has been through. It lets them talk about things they can’t talk about in front of the victim, and it lets us give you methods to try.”

I look over at Clay and Chris and they’re nodding to Darryl.

“I might have been good at dealing with all of that in the police force, but it’s a different ball game when it’s someone you know and love.”

“It is, and it’s good that you recognize that, Caleb. Would you like to try a couple of these sessions?”

All three of us nod and agree that we’ll try. I don’t care what they entail, I’ll do them. I need to get a better handle on things, because I can’t lose Aria. I won’t.

“Sessions are Fridays at four p.m., or Mondays at seven p.m.” Last one before Christmas is Friday. It’s Christmas Eve, but if you can make it, I’ll put your names down.”

“Can we take this Friday, but after Christmas we’ll jump to the Monday session?”

“Sure. You’re all booked in.”

We all agreed on the Monday because we can work around these sessions with work hours. We have no cases that need to be worked at night right now. We’ll all be finished on the 23rd for Christmas, so Christmas Eve won’t affect us too much, and it will benefit us all having something to work with over the holidays.

Just as we are finished talking about these sessions, Aria and Jessica come into the office. Aria is laughing at something Jessica just said. I knew these two would hit it off, because they’re very alike; they’ve suffered similar abuse, their personalities are identical, and they’ve both got warm hearts. It would do Aria good to make some new friends as the person she is now.

“Hey.” I stand up. “Are you okay?”

She smiles at me beautifully. “I’m good. Jessica is going to get me the paperwork to sign.”

I feel pride wash over me. She’s taking control and saying fuck you to everything that is dragging her down.

“I’m so proud of you.”

“I couldn’t do it without you and your brothers.”

“Yes, you could, because you’re one of the strongest women I know.” I place a soft kiss on the tip of her nose and wrap my arms around her.

Just two days ago, I wanted to throw myself in front of a bus. I didn’t know how to cope without Aria in my life. I needed answers. I needed a lot of things. But, now, I think we need to take each hour as it comes, and for the first time since Aria walked back into my life, I think we can get through this… together.


I walk into my house after a long few hours in the office. I was going through my emails, clearing out useless shit, and trying to organize the next eight weeks’ schedules. It’s hard when you want to be doing something else, but you know deep down that it will suffocate you if you keep living in the past. This is me trying to be like Aria, living in the moment and saying fuck it.

I throw my keys down onto the hall table and follow the smell of something delicious. The house is dull with just the odd lamp on, but the kitchen is fully lit. Aria is plating something up. I didn’t want to scare her, so I make a noise walking into the kitchen.

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