Page 59 of Shawland Security

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“Hey, beautiful. What’s all this?”

“I hope you still like Mexican food. I’ve kind of gone OTT.”

I laugh. I pick up a hot nacho and burn my tongue. “I love Mexican. Do you still love it?”

“Of course. This little one was craving it tonight, so I thought I’d cook us up a treat.”

I smile.

“Take a seat and I’ll get us some drinks.”

I place bottles of water down on the breakfast bar and sit down. “You can have a beer, you know? You don’t need to drink water because I am.”

“I’m happy with water. This is amazing. Nachos, fajitas, and cheesecake. All of my favorites.” I pop a nacho in my mouth and watch her eat.

I thank the Lord every day that he brought us back together.

“I kind of have a confession. I have an ulterior motive for feeding you.”

I still with a nacho halfway to my mouth. “Why do I get the feeling that I’m not going to like what is about to come.”

Aria shifts in her seat and carries on eating. “I had a phone call today, from Sophia’s mother. I’m glad you let Al give her your number, by the way. She told me that Sophia’s funeral is taking place on Monday morning.”

I nod. I knew this day was coming. And I also know what is coming next.

“I need to go, Caleb. I can’t not pay my last respects. I will live with the guilt of leaving Sophia there every day for the rest of my life. I need to do this.”

I reach over the table and take her hand in mine. I rub the back of her hand softly. “I understand that you need to go, but you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened. If you stayed there, we could well be burying you right now. I didn’t know Sophia, but I know from talking to her parents that she wouldn’t blame you.”

“So, we can go?”

“We can go. I’ll get Clay to come with us.”

I really don’t want her anywhere near this funeral, but I can’t keep her away. I know that she needs to do this in order to close doors to the past. I just can’t help but want to wrap her in cotton wool, just to protect her from every hurtful moment.

“I also have something I want to talk to you about. It’s about the decision that the police have taken to hand over the case to the SVU.”

“I don’t think there’s anything we can do about that, Caleb. I’m done worrying about the things we can’t change.”

I nod. “I understand. I do. But I think there is a way that we can change their decision. SVU are a fabulous team. I don’t doubt they will do all they can to catch this fucker, but with resources and numbers cut, they can’t do the job as effectively.”

“What are you trying to say, Caleb?”

“I told Al that I’d be taking reports to a journalist I know. A journalist that hasn’t once darkened your name. A journalist that has printed only the truth.”

“What reports?”

“None, as yet. I hoped my threat would be enough to shake up the department, but they’ve done nothing. I want to set the record straight once and for all. I want to let this journalist print a story about you and Sophia, and how the police have failed you all. How they continue to fail you all now. I think our silence is doing nothing. He who shouts the loudest wins, right?”

“I appreciate everything you’re doing for me, Caleb. I want to agree to this, but I can’t. I’m tired. If I’ve got to live behind these walls for the rest of my life, I will. You know why? Because I have you. I don’t want to fight with the police or the government. I just want to move forward.”

“Okay. I won’t bring it up again.” I smile. “Let’s get this dinner eaten before it gets cold.”

I’m sure Clay will be very happy that Aria doesn’t want to go through with my plan, because even though he didn’t say it, his actions spoke louder than words, and he wasn’t keen. This is the time that I need to put my faith in SVU and hope they can pull through with limited resources and man power.

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