Page 77 of Shawland Security

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“Of course I have. A fucking heads up would have been good. Aria had to see it on the news. What the fuck is going on?”

“We’re not sure yet, Caleb. Let me do my job. I’ll stop by when I have more information.”

“The news channel is practically saying it is our guy.”

“And how the fuck do they know that when we don’t even know that yet? If I knew it was him for certain, I’d tell you. I didn’t want to call you a day after Christmas with this news if it wasn’t related to Aria’s case. Now, I have work to do. I’ll see you later.”

Al hangs up the call and I throw my cell down on the table and grab the side to help me release my anger. I know Al is only doing his job, but it doesn’t stop my frustration.

“That’s it, you’re okay.” Clay’s voice breaks into my head and I look over my shoulder to see Aria lifting her head into her hands. She looks distraught.

“Is it him?” she asks me.

Her glassy, pleading eyes land on me. It’s my undoing. I sigh and leave my spot to sit beside her. I take her hands in mine and rub my thumb over the back.

“They don’t know yet. Al will let us know as soon as he knows anything. Right now, we sit tight, and wait it out. He’s not going to get you in here.”

“I’m going to see about getting your therapist here today. Maybe having someone to talk to will help,” says Clay.

“Can you also call Mike and ask him to cancel Angelina’s visit today? She was coming to do some Physio on Aria’s back and bump. We’ll arrange another visit during the holidays.”

“Of course.”

Clay stands up and leaves us sitting. I watch his retreating back. I’m waiting for Aria to complain about him taking the lead in what she wants, but it doesn’t come. She leans her head on my chest and I pull her into me, wrapping my arms around her. I’m beginning to think she’s right. This is never going to end.


I watch Aria sleeping on the couch. She exhausted herself crying and worrying about that asshole that’s tormenting the life out of Chicago. It has been two hours since I called Al, and everyone that matters to us has showed up at my house apart from Al. Aria’s mom and Spencer arrived, followed by Chris and my mom. My mom has fussed around my kitchen, making sure everyone has drinks and snacks. I haven’t been able to take my eyes off Aria. I’m worried about her and what this stress could do to her and the baby. She was just getting over the last stress-fueled breakdown after Sophia’s funeral, and now this.

My front door opens and Al walks in with a woman I haven’t seen in years – Tracey.

Tracey was my boss before she moved to New York to run her own department.

“Hi.” I walk up to her and hug her. “What are you doing here?”

“The chief wants me on this case, Caleb. He knows I have experience with serial killers and rapists.”

I shake my head and bite my lip. “Why is it only now becoming a serial killer issue? Nothing has changed. He was a serial killer last month, but you weren’t drafted in. What’s changed?”

Tracey sighs. “One of the girls that was murdered this morning was the niece of Congressman Jones. He wants this guy caught.”

“We all want this asshole caught, Tracey. What do you think we’ve been moaning about for the last few months? The CPD are fucking useless. My guys have done more leg work than those bastards. Were Aria and Sophia not important enough for you because they weren’t family members of politicians?”

How can the CPD pick and choose who is important enough or not?

“Bro, calm it.” Chris points over his shoulder towards the couch. It’s at that moment that I see Aria awake, being comforted by Spencer and Clay.

“I know you must be angry, Caleb. I get it.” She reaches over and squeezes my arm, but I pull out of her grasp and turn away from her.

“Just don’t patronize me.” I shake my head and run my hands through my hair. “I know what happens behind those fucking doors at the district. I know.”

A second later, I feel a hand on my arm. I know it’s Aria. She’s the only person that gives me tingles from a single touch. I turn around and she steps into my arms, resting her head on my chest. I hold her tightly, not because she needs it, but because I need it.

“I’m going to go over everything from the beginning. Is there anything else I need to know?” asks Tracey.

Her question instantly gets my back up again.

“Yeah. Didn’t you know I’ve got the dick in my basement? Get out of my house, Tracey. Don’t come back here unless you have something useful to ask or share with us.”
