Page 87 of Shawland Security

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Chapter 34


I've paced my office, snapped at everyone, and lost my head with the police. My mom and dad have been called in to calm me down, and Clay has literally thrown me in my office to let off some steam before I’m thrown into a cell.

How the fuck can I calm down? I'd like to see any one of them dealing with this if the tables were turned. Aria means the world to me, and even though the baby isn't mine by blood, it is mine in every other way. I love him already and I can't describe this pain in my chest. It’s like someone has stuck a blade through my heart and they’re twisting it for extra effect.

I’ve called Tracey, who is now back in New York, because no doubt Aria’s abduction won’t be big enough to get her back on the case. I’m hoping hearing a voicemail from me will get her ass back over here. Let’s face it, CPD are slow as fucking snails. Aria and the baby will have to be dead before they get a move on. Then I will be thrown in a cell, because I’ll murder every fucker that sat back and did nothing.

"Caleb, sweetheart,"

My mom walks straight into my office and takes me into her arms. Everyone else has been terrified to be in the same room as me, but not my mom. She's made of strong stuff.

"I can't live without her, Mom. I can't." I sob into her shoulder and I don't care who sees me. I’m drowning farther into the deep with every second.

"You won't have to live without her, because we're going to get her back. Her and the baby. "

"He's not going to give them up again, Mom."

I’ve worked with enough psycho fuckers to know how they work. He’s had months to plan this attack. He’ll have everything worked out precisely.

"Where is your fight, son?"

My dad walks in and squeezes my shoulder roughly. He isn't going to mollycoddle me and maybe that's for the best. He was always the straight talker when we were growing up. I guess you could call him the bad cop, but he always had our best interests at heart.

"Your woman is out there somewhere, and do you think she's giving up right now? No. She’ll be thinking you're doing everything in your power to find her, to bring her home to us all."

I pull away from my parents and walk over to the window. There’re police cars everywhere, and my workplace doesn't even feel like my own, but my dad's right. I need to snap out of this. I need to stick on my detective’s head and find my woman.

"Caleb, we've got something," Amber shouts through my door, and I take off after her.

"I don't know if he wants to be found, or if he's not thinking straight, but we've managed to track down the van from the alleyway at Pop’s. He's stopped at the hospital, and as soon as he moves, if there are cameras around, we can hack into the system and follow him," says Clay.

"I didn't just hear you say you were hacking into things," snaps Al from the doorway.

I glare at my ex-partner. "Fuck you, Al. We're doing your job for you. I suggest you either come in here and help or get the fuck out. Either way, shut up and fucking listen, because I don’t see you finding any leads."

Chris hands me a bulletproof vest, because my team knows as soon as I get a location, I'm out of here.

"Okay, he's on the move. He wasn't at the hospital long, so either he knows someone there, or he knows his way around," says Clay. “Liam, get down to that entrance of the hospital and find out anything you can. Knock fucking teeth out if you have to.”

Clay is in full on tech mode. He isn't our main tech guy, but for whatever reason, some of them aren’t around today, so thank fuck Clay knows what he's doing.

I look over Clay's shoulder and follow his cursor on the map.

"Fuck! He's down at the docks, but the cameras stop here. We'll have to search the area..."

I run out of the office like a mad man.

"Clay, either stop him or go after him," I hear Chris shouting in the background, but I don't stop. I can’t. I need to get to those docks.

I make it to my truck just as Clay is running towards me, buckling up his vest. He nods in my direction and we get in the truck at the same time. I'm glad it’s Clay that came after me, because he'll do everything in his power to get Aria back without consulting the rule book.

We just need to hope that we're in time.

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