Page 89 of Shawland Security

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Chapter 36


I'm speeding through the streets of Chicago. I know my way to the docks, but it's a big fucking dock. Aria could be anywhere.

"Fuck!" I bang the steering wheel as the lights change to red and I'm stuck behind several cars. There is no way I’m getting past until the lights change.

"Aria's strong, bro."

"Yeah, I don't doubt that, Clay! But she's eight months pregnant. He could be doing God knows what to her, and we're stuck in fucking traffic."

Clay goes back to looking out the front window, and finally, the lights change. I have one aim - get Aria and the baby to safety.

"Chris and Al are behind us. Police units have been dispatched."

Clay’s words don't do anything to calm me. In fact, they just add fuel to the fire burning inside of my heart and soul. I pull into the right, taking a sharp right into the dock yards. We keep our eyes open, scanning every area for a white van, but it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack, because it could be anywhere. There are hundreds of units down here.

"Hold up!"

I slam my foot on the break and roll back slightly. To the left of us, shielded by a large container, is a white van. The tail end is just poking out, but it's enough for me to leave the truck running to explore the area. I cock my gun, scanning everywhere on high alert, but it's dead.

"It is the van," Clay whispers.

I nod. I point to a door in front of us, and to my surprise, it's open. We enter cautiously, but it's one large open area empty of everything. I shake my head and head back outside when Chris pulls his truck up in front of mine. We could use as many people as possible if we're going to find her safe and well.

"This one's empty." I point behind me.

At that moment, I hear a piercing scream that makes me take off, following the sound.

Please keep screaming, babe.

I try the door to another unit, but it's locked. I shoot the lock and kick in the door on pure instinct. Clay and Chris will have my back, and right now, I don't care about backup. I need to get to Aria.

I stop dead with the scene in front of me. At the back of the room, Aria is tied to the wall, clearly in distress, and that asshole is holding a knife to her stomach.

"Stay back! This is my baby. My baby!" he yells frantically, showing me how out of control he is.

Clay pats my shoulder and creeps around some crates. I nod, because I'm telling him if he gets the clear shot, he needs to take it. I don’t give a fuck what the police say. We’ll deal with the fallout after I get Aria away from here.

"Look, I'm putting down my gun." I place it on the ground carefully, never taking my eyes from Aria. "I just want to talk. I can help. I know first aid." I use anything I can to bargain with this man.

"Stay back!" He waves the knife at me and I bend down and hover several feet away from him.

"Aria, sweetheart. Look at me." I wait until she takes her eyes away from the knife and towards me. I can see the blood on the mattress and I'm going out of my mind with worry.

"Everything is going to be okay. Remember to breathe through each contraction like we were taught."

I went to every childbirth class. I sat on birthing balls, learnt how to breathe out contractions, and got to bond more with Aria in the process.

"Something isn't right, Caleb. It's too sore. It's too soon."

I run my hands through my hair and hope to God help is at hand outside. Chris isn't behind me, so hopefully he stepped back out when Clay moved.

"Everything is going to be okay. You're only four weeks early, it's all good."

"Stop talking! I need to think!" the man shouts.

I try to get a peek at where Clay is, but his army training has kicked in and his sniper abilities are the best I've ever seen.
