Page 100 of Eat Your Heart Out

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He really had changed, but there were parts of him I never wanted to lose. There were parts I needed and wanted to consume me.

“Please,” I said, and he was on the bed. He removed his boxers, and he was just as naked as me on the sheets. The flower tattoo on his hip moved as he shifted close.

“Red…” Wolf hugged me into him, on his side when he slid himself inside me. I called out, and he pivoted to his back. “Ride me.”

His eyes closed, gently rocking me into him and fisting my hips so tight. It felt like he was holding back, and he winced like maybe I was hurting him. Concerned, I didn’t ride him like I normally would have, but then, he was kissing me.

He was drowning me.

I was so consumed by him, and without warning, he brought me to my back. He laced our fingers, holding on just as tight as he had my hips.

“I love you,” he gritted out, his forehead rubbing against mine. His teeth sunk into his bottom lip, his thrusts deep, controlled. “I love you so much.”

I loved him too, and I nudged his curls away from his face with my nose. He had some loose from his bun, and I wanted to see him. I touched my mouth to his cheek. “I love you too.”

He shuddered above me, his hands so tight in mine. His arms were shaking, his thrusts so controlled, and I wasn’t sure why he was holding back the way he was. It made me scared because of what he’d said before. He’d been resistant downstairs, hesitant to us and continuing this.

He brought me to my side, and when he did, he stayed behind me. He hugged me close while he fucked me, his mouth touching my shoulder.

“You’re everything to me, Red,” he said, his hips picking up. He hit me so full, so deep. “Fucking everything.”

Something about the words tumbled me over that high cliff again. A wash of heat exploded inside my core so intensely my toes curled, and Wolf’s teeth sunk down into my shoulder. The pain caused me to call out, and when Wolf’s hips stiffened, I assumed he met that same high. His roar into the room challenged my earlier scream, and my shoulder barely muffled the sound. I held on while he released, his seed filling me up and his dick vibrating inside me. I felt so full and didn’t let him go afterward.

I didn’t want to.

I think a part of me was still scared that he’d clearly been holding back while we made love. It made me worried that he wouldn’t let himself go there. I knew he’d said he loved me, but I still worried.

I ran my fingers across the hairs on his arm. “Wolf?”

He either didn’t hear me, or was sleeping because he didn’t answer me. I ended up closing my eyes, just lying there. I didn’t think I could sleep.

Again, I was too worried.



“How about a bath?” Wolf must have been aware I wasn’t sleeping. I felt like I’d barely closed my eyes before his lips landed on my shoulder. He squeezed me into him. “What do you say?”

It sounded nice, really nice. I turned in his arms, and his dark irises were on me. I’d worried before I’d closed my eyes, but maybe I didn’t have anything to worry about. I nodded, and his mouth touched my forehead.

“I’ll get it started. You stay here,” he said, and I opened my eyes again after he left the bed. He’d already put his boxers on, and I studied his strong back and that striking tattoo that traveled down the length of his spine before he disappeared into the bathroom.

Maybe I’m paranoid.

I thought I’d felt some resistance on his end while we’d been making love, but maybe I hadn’t. Maybe I was just scared of all this myself, and I’d channeled my own fears into the evening. I wanted this to work with Wolf. I wanted to get out of my own way and make this work.

I ended up not waiting in the bed for him to come back. I pulled the sheet off the bed, and after wrapping myself in it, I followed after him.

The air was warm in the bathroom and thick with floral aroma. Wolf himself was sitting on the edge of a whirlpool tub. He poured bubble bath in, and I studied him working his broad shoulders while he did it. Eventually, he put the bubble bath down and slid his hand along his lower back. He massaged there, doing so for several moments before he glanced over his shoulder and caught me looking at him. He turned off the water, then smiled at me. “Impatient much, Red?”

I guessed I could say so, but I was wondering now if he’d done something to his back with the way he’d been rubbing it. “Your back okay?”

I’d had him do a lot of things today. No heavy lifting or anything like that, but he’d often had to carry my gear on his shoulders.

My question gave him pause. Like he didn’t know what I was talking about considering the way he looked at me. I came over. “You were rubbing your back. Are you okay?”

It made me really wonder now and worry in a different way. I noticed he’d been stiff while we were having sex.
