Page 15 of Eat Your Heart Out

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Anger, I could take, but not right now when all this shit was fresh. I was also still dealing with my own internal shit, so no. I couldn’t handle anything else they had for me at the present.

Lounging against the wall, Dorian crossed his legs at the ankles. His blond hair was fingered through, and he had a look about him that mildly disturbed me. Normally, he’d come into my room raising hell after the kind of shit I’d pulled.

Instead, he was calm.

I mean, he didn’t look happy, but he was quiet, and the eeriness of that hit the room like an air horn in a library.

I shrugged. “So—”

“What are you going to do?” His head cocked at me, his dark eyes focused. That really tripped me out because he was calm, controlled. He shook his head. “What are you going to do about all this?”

Alarm bells hit my head. I was unsure of what he was talking about, and it was weird him coming at me this way.

Deciding not to panic, I put my hands together. I thought he’d be yelling at me for lying to him. Lying to everyone. “What are you—”

“Fawn, man,” he stated, and his expression could cut. He threw a hand out. “Fawn and the fact that you’re clearly in fucking love with her.”

I blanched, not expecting that. I mean, out of all the things the guy could say.

But then again…

This was D, and out of all the guys, we were the closest. We basically came out of the womb being best friends, and though the same went for Thatcher and Wells, Dorian and I were closer in age.

I let out a breath. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Like fuck you don’t.”

I got up, easier to lie when I wasn’t looking at him. It took me a second. Again, I was stiff, but once I got moving, I was okay. I grabbed my phone, and when I decided to tap on some random app and distract myself, Dorian swiped it.

He fucking threw it.

Normally, I’d have the dude on the goddamn floor right now for something like that. I didn’t care if I was stiff or not. No one took my fucking phone, and whether we were evenly matched or not, I would have laid out my friend. I would if I hadn’t already fucked up and lied to him about shit. “D—”

“Don’t fucking lie to me.” He was in my face, his finger in my face. “You owe me some truth, don’t you fucking think?”

I did owe him truth, so much truth.

I stayed silent, and when he laughed, I maintained it. We wouldn’t be talking about Fawn. Because if I did, I honestly didn’t know what would come out. Fawn Greenfield was like truth serum to me.

She exposed me.

I’d seen that in full blast tonight. She had an effect on me I didn’t like, so no, we weren’t talking about her.

“This fake relationship. Fake.” He’d air quoted that last word. “I mean, who do you think you’re fucking playing?”

“Lay off, D.”

“Lay off?”

“Yeah, fucking…” I got in his face but stopped. “Just don’t. I played that girl. I played her for you fucks so you wouldn’t worry about me.”

“Yeah, we’re not even going to go into that shit. If we do, I will lose my shit.”

I’d rather that actually. Anything but this. “Nothing happened between Fawn and me. It was all a lie.”

“I didn’t ask if something happened. I know something happened. You forget I heard you two fucking on more than one occasion.”

I closed my mouth. “We were, and it was casual.”
