Page 27 of Eat Your Heart Out

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I got a couple of grunts and not a lick of eye contact this time. The sighs from them both came after, though, and I knew I wouldn’t have to worry about them.

They were my best friends.

They were, and even though they were mad at me, I knew they’d get over it soon. Us guys were never upset with each other long. No matter what the fuckup.

My sister on the other hand…

Dark eyes narrowed in my direction after I knocked on my twin’s door. Sloane stood puffed up before me, and her arms were crossed in front of a big-ass room. It was large enough to fit two king-sized, four-poster beds and each one was draped in silk.

I gazed above her, unable to help wandering eyes considering who I was looking for. “Hey. Sup?”

Apparently, I wasn’t worth the response because Sloane left my ass at the door. The chill my twin was giving off gave the guys a run for their money at this point, but that wasn’t foreign to me. She’d been prickly since this morning.

In any sense, her opening the door gave me license to come in, and though I scanned the room, no one turned up but Bow. She was unpacking a bag into a set of oak drawers. Meanwhile, Sloane was on one of the four-posters, her ankles crossed and cell phone in her hands.

“Little, how long you going to stay mad?” I asked her, and unlike my boys, she wouldn’t put on the peace just for my benefit. Sure, she wouldn’t make things difficult for our parents. She’d do what she could there in general, but no false pleasantries would be had both in front of or behind closed doors. That was just Sloane and something I was learning really quick about how she operated. I liked to say it was because she was a chick, but that wasn’t true. She’d be pissed because she wore her heart on her sleeve.

Because she was like me.

When I was pissed, people knew, and that went the same for her. I didn’t care who was watching. I ripped my hood down. “Little—”

She fled the bed and escaped into a connecting bathroom. The door slammed so loud I felt that shit in my kneecaps, and when I turned, Bow was biting her lip.

“She needs time,” was all she said, always the nice one. She gazed up from her folding. “Did you need something? I can tell her.”

Bow Reed was much too sweet for the likes of Legacy. We were all a bunch of fucking grumps. Meanwhile, she was the light. Always had been.

Even still, she didn’t need to know I was looking for Red, and when I asked her the same question I’d asked the boys, she glanced up.

“The boys are somewhere in the house.”

“I saw Thatch, Wells, and Dorian, but I didn’t see Bru.”

“Probably in his room,” she said, tucking some jeans into a drawer. “I think I saw Fawn with him.”

Bow Reed was my saving grace right now, but I didn’t let that show. I asked her where Bru’s room was, and after I got that information, I excused myself. I thought I had all I needed to say planned out, but it escaped when Bru opened the door. He also was in a room with two king-sized beds too, and though I hadn’t wanted to instinctually glance over his shoulder for her, I did.

Red, where are you…

“Can I help you?” Just as rigid as the rest, Bru rested his thick shoulder against the door. He’d changed into jeans and a T-shirt, and I still didn’t get how this dude was so fucking jacked.

“I see you’ve been working out at school,” I stated, casual. I took the opportunity to do a once-over of my brother’s room, but still wasn’t seeing Red.

Bru crossed into my line of sight. “You here to ask me about my workout routine or…”

Normally, I didn’t take shit from the kid, but I let him have that one. I was in the fucking doghouse, so I let him. I frowned. “Bow said you and Red were up here.”

“Yeah. Fawn and I are,” he stated, making me look at him again when he puffed up. Guy was acting like her goddamn keeper right now, but I did get it if he was her friend. I’d treated her like shit, so I got it.

“So, where is she?” I was proud of myself. I asked the question without fucking snarling, and Bru’s brow jumped.


“Obviously, because I want to fucking talk to her.”

“Yeah, but why, and what’s with that nickname?”

My eyes rested on the ceiling. “She has red hair.”
