Page 89 of Eat Your Heart Out

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I ended up sitting down in his seat. Mostly because I was stunned, and I wished I hadn’t sat there. I had to continue to smell him all the way to my stop.

And I nearly missed it because of it.



“Can you tell your brother to back off?”

Noa Sloane-Mallick whipped around after what I said, her chocolate-brown locks going with her. As it turned out, it was very easy to find members of Legacy. At least, their classes. I just asked around, and people told me exactly where to go to find Sloane at this hour.

I’d surprised her, clearly. She’d been unloading a sketchpad onto the table, and no doubt mirrored the look I had when she had dropped in on me. It was kind of crazy how I was doing that now.

I didn’t feel like I had a choice.

I’d seen Wolf again. He’d been right there on the bus this morning, a new week but yet another sighting. Apparently, he’d made good on his promise about seeing me, and even though he stayed at the back of the bus, that didn’t matter. I was still aware of his presence.

I was still aware of him.

I’d stayed up front, but just him being there frustrated me so bad I’d skipped my next class entirely. I’d gotten off my stop early, then asked around where I could find Sloane. She had an art class, and so, here I was.

She sighed in my direction. “What did he do?”

The fact that I didn’t have to elaborate Wolf was up to something at all was exactly why I was here. She knew how terrible he’d been to me, our history. I folded my arms. “He was on my bus this morning. Just riding it. But he was there, and I saw him three times last week.”

He didn’t take my fucking bus. He just didn’t take the bus, and upon hearing this news, Sloane shook her head.

“So now I know why he was late for all his classes last week. At least the ones he shares with me,” she said, and my mouth parted. Her eyebrows narrowed. “What happened? Did he say anything to you?”

I was still wrapping my head around the fact that he was making himself late for classes. And for what? To see me?

You know that answer.

I didn’t want to know that fucking answer. I didn’t want him doing this. My jaw moved. “I need him to back off. It’s just making things worse, and it’s… It’s not fair.”

I couldn’t stand that my voice cracked, and when my throat got thick, I stared forward. I didn’t trust myself not to cry again. I was always fucking crying lately when I didn’t even really cry.

That was before.

That was before Wolf and all his frickin’ antics.

I started to get up, but Sloane touched my shoulder. I faced her, and she was frowning, the expression deep.

“Fawn, I get your anger,” she said, but stopped and bit her lip. Like she was debating her next words, and maybe she was. I was sure she and her entire family got my anger, and they had a fair bit themselves. Wolf had ruined the holidays for everyone. Not just me. She sighed again. “I get it, and it’s completely warranted. Nothing justifies what Ares did to you.”

She was right. Nothing did.

I felt a but coming on, but it didn’t come. Sloane ended up facing forward. Again, like she wasn’t sure what to say.

In the absence of her words, I eased out of my chair. I swallowed. “Just tell him to stop.”

I didn’t feel like there was anything else to say, and I didn’t think there was. Even she didn’t have anything for me. There was no but after all the things Ares had done to me.

And even his twin knew that.

* * *

“Hey, you. I was hoping you’d reach out.”
