Page 55 of Walk of Shame

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CAL: Answer my question first.

ASTRID: I did not.



CAL: What?

ASTRID: Did you take his mug?

CAL: Yes.

ASTRID: Why? Did you start drinking coffee?

CAL: You noticed I don’t drink that stuff?

ASTRID: The coffeemaker is right by my desk. I think I’d notice if you went over there several times a day.


CAL: Oh what?

ASTRID: You have been by there a lot more recently.

CAL: I must have been lost.

ASTRID: Whatever you say.

CAL: I’ll get the mug back without Bear noticing.

ASTRID: You are pretty sneaky. Special forces training?

CAL: Four sisters who are nosy as hell.

ASTRID: I’m jealous. I always wanted siblings.

CAL: I’ll rent mine out for your Netflix password. We’re in the same building that provides internet. They’ll never know we aren’t in the same household.

ASTRID: Good night, Cal.

CAL: Good night, Astrid.

ASTRID: Catnip

CAL: ?

ASTRID: It’s the name of my future Maine Coon and my Netflix password. Don’t mess up my recommended shows.

CAL: All Forged In Fire all the time. Got it.

ASTRID: I love that show! Good night, Cal.

CAL: Good night, Astrid.

Chapter Thirty-Four

The next day, Astrid stood in front of her desk and told herself that she was being a fool.

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