Page 54 of Pony Rides Fast

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“Well, yes,” Piper said. “He was talking about your case. But…”

“How does he know about my case?”

“He’s an FBI agent, Carly. He’s going to check out anybody he works with, including their family relations.”

“Oh. What was he doing here, anyway? Isn’t it a little weird, coming to your house like this, if you’re supposed to be super-duper under cover? I mean, what if somebody saw him or something?”

“His cover is that he’s my dad.”

“Eww,” Carly said. “Weird. So why was he here?”

“It’s this case that I’ve been working the last few months.”

“The biker gang?”

“MC,” Piper corrected.

“Okay,” Carly said. “The MC?”


“What about it?”

“It’s not… it’s looking like it’s not what he thought it was,” Piper said. “What we thought it was.”

“What did you think it was?”

“Harris thinks they’re somehow connected with this Mexican drug cartel. Really, really nasty people, Carly.”

Carly nodded, thinking that over. “Oh, wait. This is the same cartel that blew up the school, right? When you were in Mexico?”

“Juarez. Yeah. You remember my telling you about that?”

“Duh. Of course I remember that. It totally freaked you out. Dead kids everywhere. You said it was like Hell on Earth.”

“It was,” Piper said, shaking off the images of dead children that came back so quickly any time someone so much as mentioned Juarez.

“You also said that was why you were so willing to go undercover, that you would do anything to keep that sort of thing from happening here.”

“That’s right.”

“So is this MC working with the cartel?”

“At first, I thought maybe they were,” Piper said. “There was some evidence that seemed to link the two of them. But now… now it seems like no, they’re not working together at all. In fact, it might be the exact opposite. They might be what’s keeping the cartel out of this county.”

“Well, that’s good news, right?”

“What do you mean?”

“What do you mean, what do I mean?” Carly said. “Now you don’t have to go sneaking around, pretending to be somebody that you’re not.”

“That has turned out to be less glamorous than I thought it would be,” Piper admitted.

“You could maybe even see if you can hang out with that hot guy you’re always talking about, but acting like you’re not totally smitten with.”

“I’m not… I don’t… nobody’s smitten, Carly,” Piper said, shaking her head. “Pony, and I, we are… he’s a…”

“You’re having an awfully hard time finishing that sentence.”
