Page 114 of Third Time's A Charm

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Emrys leans forward slightly, "Working with these animals, ensuring they have a safe haven–it's more rewarding than I could've imagined. Seeing them thrive, knowing we're making a real difference? It's incredible."

I nod along, watching as he describes the latest rescue with a gaze that almost dares someone to doubt or question him. The crowd is hanging onto his every word, captivated by the sincerity of his commitment. It's a testament to the kind of man he is–devoted and unwavering. And he's ours.

As the applause crescendos, I lean back in my chair, caught in a moment of reflection. These men, each so different, have become pillars in both the foundation of my dreams and the architecture of my heart. They've taken their love for me and turned it into tangible support that extends far beyond sweet nothings whispered in the dark. They've intertwined their lives with mine, professionally and personally, and there's no separating where one ends and another begins.

“And what is it you do, Wilder?” The interviewer turns her attention to our playful companion.

“Me? I’m just the eye candy.” He blows a kiss at me before hopping up to flex his arms to the wild cheers of the women in the crowd. I merely roll my eyes, well-acquainted with his antics.

"Dr. Wilder Hayes, everyone," I announce, my voice laced with pride and a hint of mischief. "He saves lives by day, but trust me, he's got a wild streak that would make your heart race more than any operating room drama."

Wilder winks at the crowd, and there's an audible swoon from the audience. "Guilty as charged," he says, voice smooth like aged whiskey. "But when it comes to supporting our Kitten? That's no game. It's a life mission we're all dedicated to–heart, soul, and everything in between."

"Kat, this is quite the powerhouse team you've assembled," the interviewer quips, her grin as wide as the scoop she's hoping to unearth.

"Powerhouse?" I laugh, tossing my hair over one shoulder. "We're more like a hurricane. A force of nature, you know? Unpredictable but awe-inspiring."

Wilder leans in, his mischief palpable. "And we do love to stir things up, don't we?"

"Only if it's trouble worth making," Wyatt adds, the timbre of his voice a soothing contrast to Wilder's playful banter.

"Or if it involves saving animals and kicking ass," Emrys chimes, the twinkle in his eye matched by the passion in his words.

The audience eats it up, their laughter fueling the electric charge between us. This isn't just any interview; it's our declaration to the world.

"Saving animals, kicking ass, and loving fiercely," I say, punctuating each word with a determined nod. "That's what we're all about."

"Separately, we're impressive," Wyatt says, his eyes meeting mine with that intensity that always sends shivers down my spine.

"Collectively?" Emrys picks up where Wyatt leaves off. "We're unstoppable."

"Unstoppable and damn sexy," Wilder adds, earning cheers from the crowd.

"Okay, okay," I interject, laughing. "Let's keep the ego in check, Cowboy."

"Never a dull moment with us, Kat," Wilder winks.

"Wouldn't want it any other way," I confess, my heart skipping at the thought.

"Any final words for our viewers?" the interviewer asks, signaling the end of our segment.

"Stay wild, stay kind, and don't be afraid to love outside the lines," I proclaim, sitting straight and meeting the gazes of the crowd head on.

"Embrace the unexpected," Wyatt advises, the lawyer in him choosing each word with care.

"Protect those without a voice," Emrys adds, his conviction resonating throughout the studio.

" And live life to the fullest," Wilder finishes with a grin, sparking a round of applause.

As the cameras dim and the audience's applause echoes in the background, I glance around at my men, sharing a look that says we're just getting started.



The car engine hums to a stop, and I peel my eyes away from the window, reluctantly tearing them from the blur of trees that had been keeping pace with us. My heart's doing this funny little pitter-patter thing, kind of like when you're at the top of a roller coaster, about to plummet down. I glance over at Kat in the back seat next to me, who’s wearing that mischievous grin I've come to know so well, the one that says she's up to something that'll either be epic or have me reaching for the nearest bottle of whiskey.

"Okay, Emrys," she says, her voice bubbling with excitement, "we’re here."
