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“You mean you devour gossip magazines like candy.”

“And online articles,” she says with a laugh. “Plus, my friend Helena works at the Hidden Springs Bat & Grill, and she sent me a text to say he’s there now.”

“Fine, we’ll go there so you can get this hockey player obsession out of your system,” I say.

There’s no point arguing about this. I need a night out and Pauline wants to ogle a famous guy. What’s the harm? I only hope Flynn won’t be there tonight, but the chances seem low as he’s injured, and I told him he needs to stay off his feet. A bar isn’t exactly the perfect place to rest.

We get into my car and drive to the bar & grill. Pauline chats all the way there, babbling about the local legend of the magical hot spring that apparently makes people feel rejuvenated or even find love.

“I wish we knew where to find it. My love life has been non-existent for years now,” I confess.

“I’m going through a dry spell myself,” Pauline says with a sigh. “But I’m not giving up. I truly believe there’s someone out there for everyone.”

“I sure hope so,” I say.

Growing old alone without ever having experienced true love and passion seems like such a sad thing. Back in high school, I dreamed about marrying Flynn, doodling hearts with our initials in them on the pages of my diary, but those were just stupid teenage fantasies. He wasn’t and never will be interested in me romantically. Besides, after what he did, I decided I was better off without him anyway.

After parking the car, we head inside. The sound of laughter and clinking glasses fills the air. A live band is playing music on a small stage and above the bar are giant televisions broadcasting tonight’s sports matches.

We manage to snag one of the last free tables. I put my purse on the table and look around the bar. My heart skips a beat when my eyes land on Flynn McAllister drinking a beer at the bar, chatting with the bartender. His leg is propped up on a barstool with a pillow supporting it and his broken arm is in a sling. A mixture of anger and longing fills my chest, and I avert my eyes.

“Do you mind getting us drinks? I urgently need to pee,” Pauline says, throwing a few dollar bills on the table and rushing off toward the bathrooms at the back.

Damn. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to face Flynn, but if I’m going to order drinks at the bar, there’s no way I’ll be able to avoid him.

I put my sweater on my seat to indicate that the table is occupied and grab my purse. I reluctantly push through the crowd. As I approach the bar, I steel myself, plastering a neutral expression on my face to mask the whirlwind of feelings racing through me.

I push past another group of people and keep my eyes firmly trained on the bartender as I order two drinks.


Flynn’s voice cuts through the noise of the bar.

I swallow and turn to him, my heart lurching in my chest.

“Flynn,” I manage. I force out a tight-lipped smile. “Fancy seeing you here. Didn’t your doctor tell you to rest?”

He grins. “She sure did, but this is my brother’s bar, and I was sick and tired of being cooped up in my hotel room.”

The bartender hands me my drinks. I open my purse to grab my wallet, but Flynn puts his hand on mine. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”

“Caleb, put this on my tab, okay?”

“Sure thing, brother,” the bartender answers.

Now that he mentioned them being related, I can definitely see the similarities. The McAllister brothers are all broad-shouldered and dark-haired, their jawlines cut like chiseled marble.

“So, what brings you to Hidden Springs Grill & Bar?” Flynn asks.

“Uhm, girl’s night out,” I reply curtly, avoiding his knee-buckling smile.

He shifts in his seat, nearly dropping off. I catch his arm and push him back to stability. Feeling his skin against mine sends a ripple of fireworks through me. This is the exact reason why I’ve been avoiding him for years. I knew my body would succumb to his charms if I ever saw him again.

“I’ve got to go,” I say.

“Holly, wait,” he calls after me, but I don’t turn back.

What’s he going to do? Run after me? Seems highly unlikely with a sprained ankle.
