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“I just want to talk to you,” he yells.

“Not now, Flynn,” I reply without looking back, my steps quickening as I head towards our table. My heart pounds in my chest, a chaotic mix of emotions swirling inside me. I shouldn’t have agreed to come here tonight.

Pauline emerges from the restroom and joins me at our table.

“Everything okay?” she asks with a frown. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“Yeah, just ran into an old acquaintance,” I say, brushing off her concern.

Her gaze flicks to the bar. “Oh, Flynn. What did he do? Do you want me to talk to him? Set him straight once and for all? I did karate as a kid, you know. I could take him.”

I laugh. “You really think you could take Flynn McAllister? No offense, but the guy’s a bear.”

“Well, I might have to get him drunk and unconscious first,” she says with a smile.

I sigh and take a sip of my drink. “I hate that he still makes me feel so…”


My eyes grow wide at her comment. “What? No! I mean, yes, but…”

She laughs. “It’s okay, Holly. I get it. Flynn’s hot as hell. You’re completely flustered after talking to him for a couple of minutes. You must still have the hots for him.”

“I guess, but I also hate him. Why would I be turned on by a guy I hate? It doesn’t make sense.”

Her gaze softens. “You don’t hate him, Holly. You hate what he did to you. But if you two were as close as you told me you were, then surely the guy couldn’t have been all bad. The good you saw in him back then is still there.”

I nod, mulling over her words. “Maybe you’re right. It’s just hard to separate the past from the present, especially now that I’ve run into him again after all this time. Twice in a few days even.”

Pauline reaches across the table, squeezing my hand reassuringly. “I know it’s tough, but maybe seeing Flynn tonight is a sign.”

“A sign?”

“Yeah. Maybe it’s the universe telling you it’s time to confront those feelings and finally get some closure.”

“Closure sounds nice,” I admit, “but how do I even begin to navigate that?”

“Well, for starters, maybe you could actually talk to him,” she suggests, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “You know, hear him out.”

I scoff, shaking my head. “And what? Listen to him apologize for breaking my heart and then expect everything to be okay? I realize he’s used to getting everything he wants, you know, because of his fame, but I’m not impressed that easily.”

“Then make him grovel,” she says with a smile.

I take a deep breath in and nod. “Fine, I’ll hear him out.”

I scrape my chair back.

“You’re going to do it now?” Pauline asks with a surprised look on her face.

I shake my head. “I’m going to tell him that I’ll hear him out. Not right away, but sometime this week. I’m going to make him sweat first.”

Chapter Five


Holly finally agreed to talk to me, although I’m not sure if she intends to have a conversation or flat-out kill me. She simply spit the words ‘fine, we’ll talk’ at me when I saw her at the bar the other night. It doesn’t really sound promising, but I don’t care. What matters is that I’m finally talking to her. It’s long overdue, to be honest. I should’ve done this years ago.

I check the time on my phone for the hundredth time. She agreed to meet me in town. Not in one of the hotspots, of course. I don’t need any fans or paparazzi around when talking to Holly. My brother Caleb was kind enough to offer his mountain cabin to us tonight while he’s running the bar. His place is perfect for a private conversation. It’s secluded, far away from the hustle and bustle of town, and has a big couch so Holly can keep her distance if she wants to.
