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Audrey, Lola, and I pelted Margo with questions about Birch and their new relationship. I still couldn’t get over how Margo spoke about being his fated mate. Lola was in complete shock when Margo and Audrey revealed that some fortunate shifters had a fated mate, a soulmate, destined to be their one true love. It still amazed me there was no fear for Margo, only joy that she’d found her one true love. I couldn’t bring myself to let go of the kernel of fear, the thought that what if Ridge was wrong, though I was coming around to the idea more and more.

Lola spoke about her astonishment at discovering the truth about the supernatural when I’d shifted that first time in front of her. “I couldn’t believe it,” she said. “I woke on the floor of my practice convinced I’d hallucinated or that Tori had pulled an elaborate prank on me. I even checked my office for cameras. When you came round, Tori, I figured I’d pack up and leave, but I had my reasons for moving here. I discovered I was related towitches. I didn’t realize they were real, too. After Tori asked me not to tell anyone I knew the town secret, I played a game in my head. Guess the shifter.” She spoke a little about Zander Elkins, but only in generalities, claiming doctor-patient confidentiality. However, none of us missed the pink hue on her cheeks, and it wasn’t from the margaritas.

The table held an assortment of junk food, satisfying our cravings and adding a touch of indulgence to the evening. We reached for handfuls of chips, grabbed slices of pizza, and dipped our chips into bowls of creamy dip. We devoured cookies, candies, and chocolate bars. It was a night of pure indulgence and carefree enjoyment. Releasing our worries, we let ourselves simply have fun and forget our troubles for a while.

Audrey turned to me and grinned from ear to ear. “Do you think I didn’t notice you’ve been all quiet while the rest of us spoke up?” She clicked her tongue. “Come on, your turn. After all, you’re the one getting married soon.”

My heart clenched at the reminder, but I tried to brush it off. “There’s not much to talk about, really.”

“Come on.” Margo laughed. “Everyone can feel the sexual tension between you and Ridge whenever you’re in the same room.”

Lola leaned in. “What have you nailed down on your wedding plans?”

My face flamed as I fumbled for an answer, hoping to keep the conversation light and avoid delving into the deeper, more complicated aspects of my relationship with Ridge.

“Are you going for something traditional, or a more intimate ceremony?” Margo asked.

“Ooh, what about the dress? Do you already have one in mind?” Lola pressed, leaning forward again.

The questions came so fast, I couldn’t answer them all. Their words swirled around in my head, forcing me to imagine awedding with Ridge that I hadn’t allowed myself to think about before. I pictured Ridge waiting for me at the end of the aisle, dressed in a tux and looking as breathtaking as ever. I imagined our first dance together, his strong arms holding me close as we moved gracefully across the floor. The thought of smashing cake into Ridge’s face made me smile.

Deep down, I knew I wanted this—claiming Ridge and being with him for good—more than anything. Maybe Kyle was right, and I was overthinking the whole fated mates thing. I’d already fallen hard for Ridge, and the thought of living with him for the rest of my life both terrified and excited me.

“Uh, I don’t know,” I stammered. “Nothing is nailed down.”

I shrugged and tried to give vague one-word answers to their questions. Audrey and Margo rolled their eyes, clearly not satisfied with my response, so I grabbed the nail polish from Lola and started painting her nails.

“Wow, that tattoo on your wrist is gorgeous,” Lola remarked, obviously trying to change the subject since she could tell I was uncomfortable.

I smiled at her. “Thanks, I did it myself.”

“Seriously?” Audrey exclaimed. “I have a tattoo, too. It was supposed to be a tiara, but it ended up looking like someone flipping the bird.” She showed us the tattoo on her hip, and we all burst into laughter. It really did look like an obscene gesture.

“I could fix that for you,” I offered. “I’ll need to get supplies, but I could cover it with a bigger, better tattoo. Make it into something beautiful.”

Audrey’s face lit up. “That would be amazing, Thank you so much, Tori. I hate this thing, but I’ve been too scared to trust anyone else to fix it. But enough about my botched tattoo.” She gave a wicked grin. “I want to hear more about Margo’s love life.”

Margo blushed but couldn’t hide her happiness. “Ever since Clawson and I mated, I feel more like myself than ever before. Inever knew I could be this happy. Everything shifters have heard about fated mates is true, and it’s just so magical.” She sighed dreamily, her eyes taking on a faraway look. “If I could go back and kick myself for not claiming him sooner, I would do it in a heartbeat.”

Margo and Clawson clearly had something truly special between them, their completed bond making their connection even more profound. They were living proof of the magic of fated mates, and it made my heart ache with longing for Ridge.

Lola listened quietly while Margo spoke, and then, with a lot of emotion, she apologized once again for sleeping with Phil Hill. “If I had known he was dating you, Margo, I would never have gone there.”

Margo reached over to squeeze Lola’s hand reassuringly. “I believe you, Lola. It’s all water under the bridge now, and I know you’re not that type of person. It was my ex who I was really angry with, not you.”

Audrey blew on her wet nails and waved them in front of herself. “Speaking of love lives, Lola, you should totally make a move on Zander as soon as he’s not on magical life support. It’s obvious you’ve got it bad for the former alpha.”

Lola chuckled. She was more confident when she was tipsy. “Yeah, maybe I will. He’s definitely worth a shot.”

I leaned back as Margo carefully painted my toenails a bright shade of pink. Curiosity piqued, I turned to Audrey and asked, “So, what about you and Mateo? Are you two seeing each other?”

Audrey burst into laughter, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she shook her head. “Absolutely not. We’re just acquaintances-with-benefits. Mateo’s nice, but we’re not really each other’s types. It also doesn’t help that he’s been sleeping with my mother.”

Margo gasped. Both Lola and I had already known; Lola from her role as the Greenthorne family therapist, and me from one of my and Audrey’s earlier encounters.

“Wow,” Margo said, trying to process the bomb Audrey had just dropped. “So, what is your type, then?”

“Who knows?” Audrey shrugged. “I’ve spent so long doing things to appease my parents, and now that they’ve disowned me, that hasn’t changed much. I’ve always been on my own. Life only went smoother when I followed their wishes.” She grimaced before continuing. “I should get a job to fund my fabulous lifestyle and figure out what I want from life. Maybe I’d be into someone who’s the exact opposite of what my parents would pick for me—grounded, genuine, and hopefully hot. Like, ridiculously hot.”
