Page 49 of Kiana's Hero

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Dev stepped out of the building first, checking right and then left. Before he could turn and hold the door for Kiana, a motorcycle roared around the corner of the building, hopped up onto the sidewalk and headed straight for Dev.

Kiana’s heart leaped into her throat. She was too far from him to help.

Dev didn’t have time to pull his gun. He leaped back, but not far enough.

The man on the bike stuck his foot out and kicked Dev in the chest, sending him flying backward.

Dev hit the wall, the air knocked from his lungs.

The guy ditched his motorcycle, drove past, circled around and came back at Dev.

As he passed the entrance to the building, Kiana came out, screaming like a banshee. She ran at the man and shoved him sideways.

He’d been going so fast that when she shoved him, Kiana spun around.

The man wobbled and fought to regain control.

Dev pushed himself off the wall and lunged for the rider, yanking him off the back of the bike and onto the ground.

The man fell to the ground, landing hard on his back. He rolled over and tried to get up.

Before he could, Dev pounced onto his back, knocking him onto his belly. He grabbed an arm, yanked it up behind the man’s back and pinned him. “You need to start talking, and fast, or I’ll break your goddamn arm.”

“Fuck you,” the guy said.

Dev pushed the man’s arm up high beneath his shoulder blades.

The guy beneath him bucked but couldn’t get up.

Kiana hurried over to where Dev had the man pinned to the ground. “Should I call the police?”

The guy snorted. “Yeah. Do that.”

“No,” Dev said. “Wouldn’t do any good. They won’t do anything to him. Take my phone from my pocket and text my guys. They’ll help me dispose of the body when I’m done with him.”

Kiana dug into Dev’s jeans pocket for the cell phone, pulled it out and texted George with the address and a message to get there ASAP.

Dev leaned closer to his captive. “After I break your arm, I’m going for your leg. I’ll start with the ankle. Then the kneecap. I learned a lot from the Taliban about how to make the pain last.”

“You won’t get away with it,” the man said. “Someone will see you.”

“No one gives a rat’s ass about you,” Dev said. “They’ll be glad someone had the balls to take out a member of the gang terrorizing the city.” To Kiana, he said. “Grab my gun from my holster, sweetheart.”

Kiana shoved his cell phone into her pocket and did as he asked, reaching beneath his jacket to free the weapon.

“Now, point it at his ankle,” Dev said.

“She ain’t gonna shoot me,” the gang guy said, though he didn’t sound quite so sure.

“You willing to bet on that?” Dev said.

“She won’t,” the man said.


Her heart pounding in her chest, she pointed near the man’s ankle and pulled the trigger, praying she didn’t hit anything.

The sound echoed off the nearby buildings.
