Page 50 of Kiana's Hero

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“Ha!” the man said. “She missed.”

“I wasn’t aiming for your ankle,” she said in a cool, calm tone. Inside, she was shaking. “Next one won’t miss. Where’s Meredith Smith?”

“Fuck if I know,” he said. “I was told to find her or you and bring one of you back, whatever it took.”

“Why?” Kiana asked.

“Fuck if I know,” he repeated. “I just follow orders.”

“Orders given by who?” Dev asked.

When the man refused to respond, Dev grabbed his hair, pulled back and slammed his face into the concrete.

“Fuck!” the guy cried out as blood spurted from his nose.

“My girl goes for the ankle next. Do you want to start talking? Who gives you orders?” Dev demanded.

“My boss, Rocko,” the man said.

“Who gave him his orders?” Kiana asked. “This gun is getting heavy, and my finger is shaking. I might have to aim for something bigger than your ankle.” She wasn’t lying. The pistol was heavy, and her hand was shaking. “Tell us.”

“I don’t know!” he yelled. “We don’t know his name. He gives Rocko the orders; we carry them out. We never see or hear from him as long as he gets what he wants, and we get what we want.”

“So, what’s in it for your gang?” Dev asked.

When the gang member didn’t respond, Dev pushed the arm he held between the shoulder blades up higher.

The way the guy tensed made Kiana’s stomach burble. She feared Dev would make good on his threat to break the man’s arm.

The gang member grunted but didn’t say anything.

Kiana was so tense her finger tightened on the trigger. The explosion made her jump, and she stared at the man’s leg, looking for blood. When she didn’t see any, she let go of the breath she’d been holding.

“Damn,” Kiana said, feigning nonchalance. “Good thing I wasn’t aiming. My finger just squeezed and bang. You might as well talk. We’re not letting you loose. My guy’s friends will be here in three minutes to dispose of your body.”

Where was George? Kiana wasn’t sure how much longer Dev could keep the guy down.

“Damn, dude,” a breathless voice sounded from behind Kiana. “Who’s shooting?”

She spun, aiming her gun at the sound.

George, Rex and Logan came running around the corner and ground to a halt when they saw the gun in her hand.

As soon as she recognized them, her cheeks heated. She immediately turned back to their captive.

Dev burst out laughing, the relief evident in the sound. “Glad you made it,” he said. “I’ll need you to help dispose of the body once we’re done with him.”

George nodded. “Can do.” He turned to Kiana. “Want me to take the gun?”

Dev shook his head. “No. She’s got this. Sweetheart, forget the ankle. Go for the knee.”

Kiana braced one hand beneath the handgrip and stared down the barrel like she’d seen actors in the movies, pretending she’d actually fired a gun. “Aiming.”

“Fine,” the gang member yelled. “I’ll tell you. Just get that gun away from her. She’s bat-shit crazy.”

“I will when you give me something to work with,” Dev said. “Until then, she’s got her sights set on your knee.”

The guy beneath Dev sagged. “You might as well point at my heart or head. If I tell you anything, I’m a dead man.”
