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‘Oh, thank Goddess, because you made me skip lunch, and I’m hungry,’ Evie said.

‘You didn’t feed my mate, Adrien?’ I asked, annoyed.

‘It was either that or not make a trip into the lingerie store, Alpha,’ he answered cheekily.

‘You can have some of my burgers too, Evie,’ I quickly added, making Elias choke on his bite of food.

We talked out loud instead of mind-linking for the rest of the dinner to avoid people seeing a group of four in awkward silence while we ate, every now and then mentioning our plans for tonight. Adrien had no issue spending the next half hour talking about everything Evie bought, some of which made my cock swell and caused me pain, knowing I couldn’t just grab her, drag her over to the first private place I could find and take her.

I figured out halfway through Adrien’s conversation that he was doing it to rile me up, but it didn’t matter; it still fucking worked, and I was hard as steel by the time dessert came, unable to say much.

He finally let up enough for my cock to settle down before the limo picked us up, but walking behind my mate destroyed all the progress I had made.

‘Fuck Evie, your ass looks amazing in this,’ I groaned into our own private mind-link. She harrumphed in response.

‘I feel so exposed. Adrien wouldn’t let me wear underwear with this dress. He said it would ruin the effect.’

I stopped and shivered before Adrien pushed me forward with a laugh.

“Just figured it out, did ya?” he laughed, getting into the limo while I wrestled with my needs and joined them inside.

“I hate you all so much right now,” I managed to say, making Evie blush and the other couple laugh.

We finally entered a more serious mode when we arrived at the casino. I quickly helped Evie out of the limo, and we headed in. Once the invitations were shown, we were herded through a series of stairs and halls until we reached a slightly wider hall with several doors. By the layout we were able to find, we knew which way Evie and Elias had to move in order to find the main office. It was empty right now, and I could only hope it remained that way. There was a guard where the hall turned, but it shouldn’t be a problem for Elias to get him and Evie past it without being seen if they played their cards right. Elias just needed to see the hall in order to be able to teleport them into it.

We were escorted into the high roller’s room and given our chip racks. We were then escorted to different tables, except for Evie, who I insisted needed to sit by me because she was my lucky charm. It was part of the plan, but also, I didn’t want her out of my sight. Especially with the looks men were sending her way.

We played for about two hours before Evie started losing on purpose.

‘I’m starting,’ she communicated through the mind-link. Elias gave her acknowledgment, and so did Adrien. My role in this was fairly straightforward. I was here to look pretty and play until it was time to play alpha male and drag everyone out of here, angrily. Only if things went awry would I be needed to fight our way out. I saw the cocktail waitresses begin running back and forth with drinks for Elias, indicating he had begun his part in the plan, too.

“Alex, give me more money, baby.” Evie slurred into my ear. I rolled my eyes and called the hostess over.

“Play more conservatively, Ava. You’re here to give me luck, not spend more money than me,” I warned her.

“I want to have fun, too,” she whined, crossing her arms. Those sexy breasts of hers pushed upward, making every red-blooded man in this place look at the way her nipples were trying to poke through the silk.

“Then stop losing,” I advised her harshly.

Evie continued to pout and also started drinking a bit more to ensure she had an excuse to leave the table. It took another hour before I heard a commotion coming from Elias’ table. Everyone in the room looked over as he started harassing the poor cocktail waitress that dropped a cocktail on his expensive suit, through no fault of her own, I was sure.

After a few minutes of arguing, I heard him say, “Fuck this! I gotta piss anyways. I’m going to the restroom,” and half stumbled out of the room, making a few people at his table smirk.

Evie had lost about seventy thousand dollars by now and urged people at our table to return to our hand.

“I think I’ve got this one, studmuffin,” she slurred in my ear, which had everyone folding, and she started throwing a temper tantrum.

I grabbed her face in one hand, gripping it by the jaw hard, making her shut up and whimper slightly. I knew the fear on her face wasn’t real, but Tenoch still whimpered in the back of my head seeing it directed at us.

“Go splash some water on this pretty face before I mark it,” I growled at her, slapping her ass as she walked over to the door. The guard who let her out stared at her retreating ass, only to clear his throat when he noticed me glaring at him.

‘Good luck,’ Adrien mind-linked.

The mind-link conversation between the four of us remained open now, and it was quiet for a few minutes. No one spoke through it though, not wanting to interrupt whatever Evie was doing, knowing it required her full concentration so she could get done quickly.

A sudden string of curses coming from Evie through the mind-link less than fifteen minutes later made me tense, ready to attack.

‘What’s going on? Are you okay?’ I asked.
