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You should have told her we made the pie, not Mom, Tenoch mentioned, curling up in the back of my head to sleep.

Why? At least this way, we know that she likes our baking, I countered.

We could have gotten some brownie points, he insisted.

Brownie points for apple pie? I teased.

You know what I mean. Maybe she can be our friend again.

You mean if she stays.

Well… yeah. His ears flopped down.

I don’t know, Tenoch. She kind of broke my heart when she stopped hanging out with us. I don’t know that I want to go through that again.

You are wiser now, and you have me. What’s not to like? He puffed out his chest.

I don’t even know what we did that she didn’t like to begin with, I reminded him.

You’ve had a crush on her forever. Don’t you want to see if she’s our mate? he asked.

We already know she isn’t. She’s a pack member. She’s been here for a lot of full moons. She isn’t our mate, I said, feeling a pain in my heart as I said the words.

I had a crush on Evie since I was a boy. She’d been the only woman I ever considered or took an interest in, but the truth was, she attended plenty of full moon events since I turned nineteen when she visited during the holidays.

There was no way I would’ve missed it if she was our mate. I did think she might be my mate for a while. Her scent of caramel and cinnamon had always called to me, but we had irrefutable proof that she wasn’t our mate. Eventually, I had to admit that maybe I just liked the scents, which were still two of my favorite flavors.

Tenoch finally stopped pushing things. He may say I have a crush on her, but we both knew that despite not being around her as much as I had been, he shared my memories and liked her just as much.

I was finally able to fall asleep sometime later and woke up to the angry ringing of my alarm. I groggily got up and went to get ready. By the time I was done with my shower, I was excited again. Today I was going to be one step closer to picking the next head of my new department, maybe.

The first two meetings were in the morning, so I ate a quick breakfast, and we gathered in the conference room to dial out.

“Hello.” The modulated voice came through on the third ring.

“Good Morning. This is Cory Salonen speaking,” I greeted.

“Good Morning, Alpha Cory,” the voice answered, and I was relieved. Not that I didn’t trust Evergreen, but it would make things easier if we didn’t have to tip-toe around to see if the applications were sorted correctly or not.

“Thank you for agreeing to a phone interview. We have you on a voice modulator. We can’t tell if you’re male, female, old, or young. We want this process to be completely based on merit and personality. I have with me my Beta Josue, Gamma James, and the new head of the division, Evergreen Roswell.”

“I commend you for going to such measures. It bodes well to what kind of treatment potential employees can expect from Salonen Security Industries.”

‘Suck up,’ James grumbled via mind-link to us.

“We’ll get started with a more thorough listing of what would be expected of you and continue with our questions. If you need any clarifications or questions, please feel free to ask. This is as much your interview as it is ours,” I let them know.

The interviews were long, and the morning was almost over by the time the second one ended. We grabbed lunch and went back to the conference room to discuss the first two interviews.

“I liked the second one. He sounded less of an ass kisser and more of a doer,” James mentioned. “The last thing we want is a yes man in the position where we need them to think for themselves.”

“I don’t think kissing up when you’re interviewing is bad. You’re expected to,” Jo countered.

“True, but he did mostly regurgitate everything we said back to us,” I answered.

“Did he?” Jo looked surprised.

“Yes, actually,” Evergreen finally piped up. “I had the app annotate responses throughout the interviews. He gave us back non-answers. Though to be fair, so did the second person to a lesser extent.”
